Yet again the Horde get's nothing

and i had to sit through a 13 minute long raid fight every week of your warchief throwing a tantrum.

you can dance around that if you want. it does show you don’t want to admit i have a point though.

Sylvanas as an indepedant antagonist and had nothing to do with the actual Horde just like WoD wasn’t about the plyable Horde since those were evil Orcs from an alternate universe. Or do you see me Arthas being claimed as an alliance character too? Of course not.

i guess you weren’t around back when thrall was written into legit everything to the point he got called ‘green jesus’ and chris metzen was being harassed for it.

but yeah, poor horde, y’all really do get nothing.

(as if the story has even been half relevant since legion.)

The only time Blizzard cares about the Horde is when they need an evil faction yet again to start a pointless war with the alliance. That’s it. Outside of that the Horde doesn’t exist. And some times blood elves cuz they are close to look like humans and the good guy elves(high and night elves).

Dude, half of the storyline was about Bwonsamdi, Muzala, Vol’jin, and various Loa/Wild Gods.

Your troll is showing.

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Vol’jin failed to save Rezan and was then put in some regeneration pod. Tyrande met the Winter Queen herself and had a heartfelt super cinematic with Elune where she gained control over her sanity back from the Nightwarrior curse and the seedling that was turned into Amidrassil in Dragonflight. I don’t know about you but that sounds much better then the half buttet attempts of showing a handful troll npcs with barley good voice acting.

Speaking of which, they implied Volj’in was going to be the new loa of kings so where’s my troll paladins gdi.


My guess is in Midnight? Since it’s all about having to call on the Light to fight the darkness.

Which story you enjoyed better is subjective.

The OBJECTIVE fact, is that half of Ardenweald was about the Night Warrior, Elune and the Drust, while the other Half, revolved around Wild Gods, Loa, and Trolls.

Which we really deal with Loas, not WGs. Which is important because Loa is the specific title given to one, when they’re worshiped by a TROLL.

It’s honestly more Troll development then we got in a LONG time, aside from Zandalari Troll culture specifically.

I hope so.

I want all the Horde paladin races. If they’re gonna toss lore into the trash, I want some good transmogs on my character select screen.


Wild gods usually get more attention then Loa cuz Blizzards favorite races are humans and night elves.

Actually thier favorite races are Orcs, Night Elves, and Draenei.

But also, you just furthered my point. The ENTIRE Ardenweald story is about Loas specifically, not Wild Gods.

Wild Gods are only really interacted with, when you’re doing the Queen’s Conservatory mini-game.

Faction has no more importance, the shills who continued to play this game don’t care one way or another about them. They want more dark ranger type crap after all.

All the NPCs in the TWW intro are alliance loyalists as their race leaders. Of course faction is still important.

No, it’s not. You can party up with the opposing faction now and make guilds with them across servers so now community is thrown out(small community that is).

Even the warbands are full of alliance NPCs. They didn’t even bother to create a version where the Horde PC gets to be with their own ones.

Not all of them, only the ones being showcased. Since ya know we start the expansion in Dalaran, which is effectively an Alliance leaning neutral city. But there are also Nightborne, and as Dalaran is the Pre-Patch, we’re gonna see a lot of them, considering some of the transmog are recolored Nightborne weapons even.

Brann is literally the leader of the Explorers Guild and Captain Garrick is the captain from the alliance version of the new starting zone.

Of course not, you’re posting on an alt blood elf, did you know that your race is homogenized and blandified so badly because of void elves, dark rangers, and the male evokers sharing your skeleton?

Wait until you find out that Silvermoon is likely being nuked to allow the alliance to walk around in the city.

Every official Warbands thing I’ve seen. Has things from each faction. Becasue it’s a collection of a player’s Alts. So they’re showcasing that it’s OK in fact, to play both factions if you want. YOU get to feature your favorites on the menu.

Of course the alliance gets access to the one single good stuf the Horde still has because god forbids the alliance is never ever not shown in the best light possible and having the last goodie that wasn’t theirs to claim presented as a gift. Lor’themar once again ignoring what the humans and high elves did to his people not so long ago.

This would never happen to Thunderbluff and Orgrimmar since they are ugly and Blizzard would never force alliance players to walk in an city inferior to Stormwind or Ironforge.