Yet again the Horde get's nothing

She went after elves that had nothing to do with it. She went Sylvanas psycho. She just never paid for it.

The Vulpera hadn’t even joined us yet.

Yes we get to be your villains so you look like heroes. Because of Alliance bias.


This sounds lewd and saucy :smirk:

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Oh it fits goblins 100%, it’s still an eyesore landmark.

as an example of the disparity between what the horde had gained and the alliance had gained.

They could have.

An armistice is not the alliance winning, it’s a truce. especially since the war resulted in the horde allowing an old god to be released onto the world, which magically became a get out of jail free card, just like in WoD with the legion.

First war ended with Stormwind in ruins.

Second war you invaded us and again. Can’t start something then complain when you lose. This did have the internment camps, however you invaded us and orcs would routinely raid pillage and murder all over Azeroth. Not all orcs are Thrall.

Third War wasn’t even primarily against the horde.
Though orcs again show their true colors here.

Fourth War - Ends in a TRUCE and all is forgiven so the horde and alliance can tiptoe up to fight old gods together.

Seems like a lot of these wars end with a truce, a new BBEG for us to fight, or were started and then lost by the horde. Fail to see an overwhelming alliance victory pattern here.

Net zero outcome for both. Nobody gained anything remotely tangible.

Haven’t felt ignored when I play my horde toon, so I can’t relate to your feelings on this.
TWW is in Alpha, calm down.

We have reached the hyperbole stage! No the role of warchief is antiquated and leads to bad leaders running the horde. Please read my words and intent.

you said we won the fourth and all the others, you were not correct. Fourth war ended in a truce.

Never said there was in the fourth, there was after. There is a theme of this in the last few “Faction war focused” expansions.

Unrelated to the company being clearly favorable to the horde and the horde player base. Your response is unrelated to my statement.

I believe you believe this.

Not at all comparable. At all.
Want me to list out the major differences and Ill start with the absolute abuse and violation of Anduin. What did jaina do? get mad and be told to calm down by every other alliance leader? She had her city suicide bombed. Sylvannas and her ego caused her own downfall. Jaina is vilified for being right and provenly distrustful of the horde in shared spaces.
Not comparable at all and I used to like sylvannas prior to her downfall.

They were working with the horde, you think there was no ground work laid for them to join prior? what do you think the end result of the caravan attacks helped lead to? Them joining the horde.

Ironic you attempt to call out bias while showing your own repeatedly.

But that started out as Tauren land. I’m confused about what you lost. A better example would be Ashenvale. Which yeah, the Nelves should have back.

Blizz literally said you guys won and got back all of your territories.

I wish this were true but then there’s the whole having to do Amirdrassil stuff. I only want our own quests from our own NPCs. Which isn’t a tough ask.

I don’t think the story will change in Alpha. I doesn’t usually.

Not antiquated and is a core part of the Horde. You can dislike it, but staying Alliance solves that. It doesn’t lead to leaders going bad. Only two have. Writers just gotta stop treating us with the villain bat.,much%20of%20its%20former%20glory.

It’s directly related. You get the hero treatment in game.

It’s literally what happens in the story, lol.

Absolutely, they even both get triggered by elves.

Garrosh did that, not the Sunreavers in Dalaran.

It’s never right to punish everyone for what one person does. She’s even confronted about this during BFA and admits to wrongdoing.

Whatever your quests told you was not on our side. They didn’t join us until later.

Funny that you think the story favoring you is somehow undone by our war chant and a statue.

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While ignoring the disparity from Vanilla to Cata that was IN FAVOR of the Alliance.
Horde early zones:
Eversong (BC)
Ghostlands (BC)

Alliance early level zones:
Khaz Modan
Loch Modan
Azure mist (BC)
Blood Mist (BC)

Not a whoe lot, Horde likely took Azshera to balance the books there, however once in the 3rd zones, we run into another issiue:
Wetlands, Allaince, no horde presence
Redridge Mountains, Allaince, no horde presence
Duskwood, Alliance, no Horde presence
Ashenvale, shared between Horde and Allaince
Stonetalon, shared between Horde and Allaince
Hillsbrad, 3rd area for Horde in EK but also an allaince quest hub, and alliance could be higher level then Horde here

Not saying there were not issues post Cata, but the Cata revamp/redraw was more to balance the books as far as early game zones and give Horde players a bit more breathing room on PvP servers before meeting the other faction outside of those that went out of their way to get into these areas.
Aszera: Neutral but right behind Org, makes sense for it to change hands in a rebalance
Hillsbrad: Allaince favored maybe, but overall neutral and close to UC, think it makes sense to have potential enemies right on your doorstep?

Alliance lost nothing to the Horde that would not make sense from any perspective.


I’m tried of going on adventures with major Alliance NPCs. Legion and SL come to mind. At least BFA had stories for both factions.


Late reply, but lets begin:
Tauren (H)
Highmountain Tauren (H)
Trolls (H)
Zandalari Trolls (A)
Vulpera (H)
Blood Elves (H)
Nightborne (H)
Goblins (H)
Pandaren (both)
Night Elves (A)
Void Elves (A)

By native, I am including all races whos ORIGINS were not from Azeroth, which means
Humans/Dwarves/Gnomes and variations-titan constructs hit with the curse of flesh, not native
orcs/mag’har-again duh
Forsaken-see humans but add the plague/curse of undeath as well.

Keep in mind, I am willing to concede that the current populations of some of these races, like humans, dwarves and gnomes, are “native” to Azeroth the same way those that are descendants of colonists and immigrants are native to the Americas, Austrailia, etc.

He just loves to hear himself talk doesn’t he? thank you btw for correcting him, he’d most likely of picked a fight with me if I’d tried to

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I hope Warthin does this justice.

I just try to forget BfA and SL ever happened, lore-wise.

Everyone is my friend now. No grudges held.

Now bring back my Ranger General, Sylvanas!

That’s some “memory”.

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The math ain’t mathing.

  • On a customizations front, the Horde got cooler stuff

  • On an Allied Race front, the Horde got the better stuff

  • On the Class front, the Horde got the better stuff. They have more Shamans then Alliance has Paladins, and thanks to ARs, the Horde has an extra Druid. When previously they were dead set on Druids being perfectly distributed.

You also mentioned the last like 5 expansions let’s go:

DF - Literally had a mixture of Horde and Alliance characters equally. Alliance HUB Areas like Gilneas and Amirdrassil are completely NEUTRAL. Meanwhile everyone acts like the Horde did nothing wrong, despite very FEW ppl going to SL canonically. So to Azeroth citizens, the Horde is still very big bad. Like Alexstraza doesn’t even hate the Horde for what they’ve done to HER and HER flight…I mean you would think she’d be bitter about that…considering…ya know…
SL - Almost every Covenant had a prominent Horde character. Necros got Drakka, Fae got Bwonsamdi and Vol’jin becoming a new Loa, Venthyr got Kael’thas. Which was balanced when Bastion got Uther. This expansion also HEAVILY shafted everyone in favor of Sylvanus. Including Tyrande, who was supposed to have an emotional arc, and a climatic fight. But it was canned, and for no reason really Sylvanus gets away from that fight with ease. Sylvanus being a Horde character mind you. Also when Undercity was reclaimed, it’s not really friendly to Alliance players like the DF areas are. There was also a good bit of Thrall storyline and development there as well.
BfA - Literally had more HORDE favoritism. They got an additional STORYLINE with Sylvanus and Saurfang. The Alliance got a Bumblebee Mount…lol. They got the better the ARs too, like hello Vulpera and Ztroll’s racials. The characters also had more depth it seemed Horde side in Zandalar. Not to mention all the cool Nightborne stuff they did with Nazjatar.
Legion - Yea Illidan and Velen were key players. But so were a LOT of horde characters. Not to mention that there were Blood Elves everywhere. High Mountain, Suramar, and Half of Stormheim are all Horde focused.

Do I need to go on, or are you really still delusional in thinkin the Alliance have some magical win button? lol

This is surley my fastest growing topic. Didn’t realize this would blow up so hard.

You forgot Duskwood, Redridge and Westfall here mate.

horde players when the story doesn’t center around them every single xpac.


It seems we play a different game here. I haven’t seen any Horde participation in the plot for quite a while actually.

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i guess sylvanas isn’t horde, and shadowlands didn’t happen. the narrative adjusts when it’s convenient for a forum argument.

Sylvanas is evil and a villain just like Garrosh was after SoO. The only time the Horde gets any content was during Bfa meaning faction war related stuff. Whenever Blizzard pretends to be neutral they just throw big alliance heroes at us to be questgivers.


lmao, even. 3/10 trolling, i know you’re not serious now, unfortunately. good one.

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Blizz definitely decided to write Sylvanas to be hated but I’m still angry they choose to do it in the most horrible way. They were millions of ways to make Sylvanas go crazy and burn down the tree and saurfang joining it but being emo by a random dying elf, and lusting for azerite was definitely not it.

Ardenwald was all about Tyrande. Final Jailer Phase about saving Anduin and Bolvar is the former leader of Stormwind too. Baine and Thrall sat around in Oribos doing nothing.