Yet again the Horde get's nothing

I would not mind such a thing… er, I mean… back to your cell!

Also what cell number his at and don’t worry Ill hold on to those heavy keys, to… help out keep an…eye… on these… thicc… sweaty muscle… er terrible lazy prisoners! Got to keep them working on those mines! :drooling_face:

Sorry I just can’t help myself… ill stop joking and let myself out! :rofl:

Joking aside, now I’m curious to see what a half-orc elf even would look like? :thinking:

Guess it depends on what the other half is.

I had to stop right here, ifin I remember correctly the horde favoritism in MoP got SO bad they had to have someone make a written apology to the player base for it . . . think it was the guy who made the flintlocke comics who had recently started working for Blizzard at that point . . .

Also that’s quite the cherry picking, considering in Legion the first major bit of level cap content was us helping a resistance group that would eventually go on to join the horde, BFA was a hot mess where everyone was acting out of character and Saurfang was shoved down our throats, and WoD’s events were put in motion by your former leader.

Only reason Dragonflight has so much night elf content is because YOU GUYS decided to attempt to genocide them so badly that blizzard basically had to make amends for screwing over a whole player race.

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The horde faction has constantly outpaced alliance in number of players. The “good players” pick horde. Remember the faction leader boards? yeah that was a great way to prove the disparity.

Or the constant preference of horde imagery over alliance and the “for the horde!” shouts and the pitiful “for the alliance, I guess” from the same event.

Horde winning the, dumb, motorcycle contest? horde.

The entirety a zone is now a horde emblem. Post cata the horde gained MORE zones than alliance, even some that used to be alliance. Alliance got part of the barrens that nobody uses.

Gilneas? a five minute quest line and now what?

Not only did a horde faction leader burn down a major alliance city with civilians inside, she then plague bombed her own people and city. Which denied alliance the chance to retaliate in kind. This was prior to her leaving the horde and while she was warchief.

Alliance has been lead by a sniveling coward since Varian died. The only alliance leader with any teeth was jaina. Greymane is toothless outside of trashing that dork rangers lantern.

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On me, always.

A lot of this is not Blizz but players deciding things.

Because it ended up belonging to the Goblins. Makes sense.

Nobody uses most of the barrens. That’s why it’s called the Barrens. It’s also Horde territory. Why should the Alliance be entitled to any of it?

You got back a zone that we had to also participate in for some reason.

Horde villain batted again to make the Alliance the heroes that have to react. Which is why we are here with no real Horde presence and it painted as neutrality.

Genn would have never accepted us into Gilneas if the let’s everyone be friends requests from the community weren’t so strong.

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Gonna beat a dead horse but, horde racials did a lot of this and classic pretty much confirmed it based on the faction stacking. Sure that was a blizzard design choice but also a player one. While I do not believe the horde were intentionally given better racial abilities, I do believe it is something that could have been looked at well in the past to help with faction popularity.

Went from neutral to horde. folds into my next point.

Hell, this is all the zones alliance got ran out of both neutral and Alliance territory. Why should the horde be entitled to any of it?

What can anyone do there besides stand around? Is it a hub? are there vendors or anything of importance? No, its a dead zone they threw in to wrap up the gilneas story.

cuz she wasn’t totally unhinged from the get go…can blame bad writing if you want. still happened.

I believe that you believe this.

Opinion, not really an answer.

Just gonna stand next to this giant statue of the orc outside blizzard HQ, and the constant for the horde cries at events and such. Sure, no presence what so ever. Ya’ll just got thrall back and have the audacity to say horde get nothing.

That has nothing to do with now. Our racials have long been nerfed. And now Alliance has the better racials.

It was just an area for a world boss that became a Horde race area very close to Org.

The Horde has the most races that are native to Azeroth. Or are you forgetting that Tauren live in some of these areas that you feel so entitled to?

It should have been a full capitol without us there. We should have had our own story. Which has been the problem with DF.

It for sure did happen. Not talking in story but with writers. They decided this path and it did not benefit the Horde. We even lost that war.

We had a Baine side quest. Wow. For two patches I’m doing quests for the Alliance for Alliance NPCs.

Getting Thrall back is us getting everything after all our other leaders were killed, the Warchief role dismantled, us getting councils to appease the Alliance who won the war? What? Oh no not one statue. Not “For the Horde!” lol

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I think its strictly shadowmeld

And Iron Dwarves racial.

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The problem here is that the iconic moneymakers are all on the Alliance side. The old guard absolutely wet the bed on their way out Blizzard’s front door when it came to the Horde’s main characters.

Saurfang? Dead.
Vol’jin? Dead.
Sylvanas? Forced to do a genocide and then thrown in hell. Writers don’t know if it’s even appropriate to bring her back anymore.
Baine? Half the playerbase screeches about their hatred for him every time he gets a cutscene.

Literally who is left? Basically just Thrall, and the team had to bend over backwards just to bring the guy back. As of Legion, the Horde just hasn’t had any main characters left to follow. Beyond him, the next-best received characters are probably Lor’themar and Thalyssra, and they’re both elves!

Can confirm. It’s nice.

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Y’all look cool too.

I am but a figment of your imagination.

Damage is done. Cross faction guilds was an attempted fix for this, as was cross faction grouping. Blizzard has admitted that horde has the higher population of higher players. (lower end too of course cuz that’s how curves work).

It’s a giant horde symbol on the map. Kinda obtrusive and blatant.

Oh sorry, I don’t feel entitled to anything here. Im pointing out the disparity of faction controlled zones from cata forward. Seems you only have unrelated tangents on this and no answer. Alliance arbitrarily lost ground to the horde. Fact.

We can agree on bad writing for sure.

I couldn’t imagine why there would be more of an alliance presence in the dragonlands given the hordes STELLAR history with dragon races…also how many of those alliance NPC’s are currently neutral faction?

Was still yet another unprompted horde genocide which the alliance then didn’t get a rebuttal to outside of ruining Tyrande and maiming Malfurion. Oh sorry we got to kill Nathanos Blightcaller, woooo cuz everyone loved him /s.

You mean when the old god showed up and both factions stopped to fight it? just like in WoD? Horde get so many get out jail free cards to just turn around and bite the alliance in the butt time after time.

I counter with sharing liberation of Gilneas with the horde for a net zero outcome.

Two leaders killed by Aliance/horde combined forces and Vol’jin being killed by story. I will always remember the disrespect they did to Vol’jin. Garrosh and Sylvannas? had it coming.

Rightfully so since every warchief outside of thrall and vol’jin messed around and found out. The role needed gone.

combined efforts won the war, after it stopped to fight another BBEG that we had to ally factions for. Councils are better than warchiefs.

Shows a blatant bias. Sorry that seems irrelevant to you since it’s very glaring.

“This story doesn’t conform to my head cannon! Worst expansion ever!”

Someone claiming to have seen the intro that is removed from the alpha, hilarious. Thread is literally trolling or based upon the latter quests that were released, and therefore not valid as is out of context due to the released quests not being when the expansion starts.

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Kinda rich coming from alliance when you guys tried to genocide the vulpera in your raids on Vol’dun and Jaina tried to cleanse the blood elves in Mists, your hands are not clean either.


mmm yes, saying things without context to push your narrative, so tasty. What were those elves doing and what event may have proceeded this decision? It’s fun to leave out details.

Sorry. again, you forget details. The vulpera were transporting supplies for the horde, the caravans were destroyed, the point was not to wholesale murder vulpera.

INB4 concentration camps for orcs. How long ago was that and how many times has the alliance pushed for peace only to have the horde say “nah fam, axe time. zug zug blood and honor”.

Now, lets count up those sins horde:
Theramore - suicide bomber
Pandaria - Pretty much enslaving gods and killing pandas wholesale. Actually feeding the BBEG’s of the game.
Gilneas - Forsaken plague bombs and invasion
Dalaran - the whole bombing plot, etc.
Draenor - blood of mannoroth leading to genocide against the space goats and orc factions that didn’t bend the knee.
Draenor (AU) - did the exact same thing without drinking the blood this time.
Undercity - Plague bombed their own people and alliance.
Teldrassil - Burned down a tree full of civilians. Even got a whole scenario for it.
Shadowlands - Sylvannas

Our hands aren’t pristine, but we aren’t committing genocides each chance we get like the horde are. Whole horde faction needs a rewrite or the factions should just formally be dissolved. Alliance actually tried to be better, to their own detriment.

We go big like that.

Any ground we’ve gained was given back at the end of BFA. I’m not sure what you are talking about that you lost here. You started discussing the Barrens that belonged to the Tauren.

Being that some of that story ended up with the Emerald Dream and Gilneas, they could have had us rebuild Brill and UC instead of dealing with Night Elf and Worgen stuff.

No I mean how we literally lost the war. We did not keep any of our territories, they all got given back and you won the fourth war. Just like all the others.

The Baine side quest was nowhere on the level of even Gilneas. And for that we are doing quests for the Alliance.

Right. We are discussing the damage writers have done with the Horde and how that’s lead to us having no story in DF nor the start of TWW.

So two people means the whole Horde needs to go? Seems like Alliance favoritism.

There was no combined effort in the war. I’m talking about the fourth war. And the councils are just to appease the Alliance. They need removed and the Warchief title reinstated. The first Alliance that protests gets spit on by Kodo.

So everything that they’ve done story wise that has benefited you in every war in the story doesn’t show bias?

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