Yet again the Horde get's nothing

He does have a point. It looks like another alliance-driven story where you don’t really understand what you are doing there in the first place as a Horde, much like with that nelf tree quest.


I dont have but I did get to watch it VIA a friend and while the cars don’t match and it took far too long to get a 10mm the show was solid. Much better than Street Fighter.

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Good, Fallout lore is garbage.

by that i mean, before it was bought by the current owners.

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I haven’t played the Fallout series but as a show it’s great.

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i only played 3 up too 76, so i cant tell ya whats before that.

but i will watch it on my free time, tho currently i was watching Delicious Dungeon.

We neither can use the Inn or vendors, or boats and portals. Thats not the same.

Aren’t you tired yet.

It’s impressive this got 750 comments in 5 hours.

But uh yeah, idk. We’ll see, there’s only so much they’ve shared so far so maybe the horde will get some love still.

It had more, a lot were deleted :smiley:

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Posting in a Bwood Ewf Awwaiance bias thwead UwU

who do u suggest we push out in the front? bc we dont have anyone theyre all dead lol
us hordes learned that whoever takes the helm dies. why u think our dude just stays out of it? lol we got smart.

You played Legion and Dragonflight yes? We wus barley there.

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I was working constantly in wod/legion so nope. I missed those and all the fomo mogs. :frowning:

and those who didn’t were hunted down and killed en masse by those who did. Which happened both times with both main universe and the AU orcs. Almost like Mannoroths blood wasnt entirely needed at all for them to pop off killing.

thats what happens when you go to war and blunder a king

The Alliance doesn’t own anything. That’s why it’s called the Alliance. Each nation belongs to its people (Quel’thalas, Lordaeron, Ironforge, etc), so you can just bugger off with that thinking.

I think races doing their own thing is great to built up faction friction for the future…

Elves uniting is going to be interesting and I can think of a few Big badies who be interested in such a Cosmic Magically sensitive race and Complex society… after all it be the First time (I think) the elves come together as a nation… or… EMPIRE!! ( Insert: Suspense drums~! :notes:)

I can totally see Azshara stirring up trouble (as former OFFICIAL queen of all Elves 10k plus years back lol) and even if its a long shot Sire Denathrius (only one I can possibly see out play and matching Azsharas cunning and ambition by literal long if not more that a few centuries if not thousands of years) with his Dreadlords… After all having a Nation and people who can easily adapt and use all Cosmic magic forces to advance their ends is a valuable commodity indeed!

Omg I be so funny Sire (I can see Keal’ths screaming from the SL: Ill burn you to ASH usurper! lol) and Azshara running against each other to have a position in the new Elven High Counsil! Both are a perfect match made in hell… What Azshara may lack the wisdom, patience and cunning of ages that Sire has she more makes up for intelligence, ambition and pro-activity!

So be patient Erevien we might get some politica drama and more Horde spot light in the future… just let it cook a bit… let the races do their own thing while we save the World.

Silly Erevien, only Horde can be war criminals. Also it’s more like 10%-20% of the community these days. And they’re all Blood elves.


What’s an Orc? Are you some kind of thicc elf with green skin? Back to the bit coin mines with you!