Yet again the Horde get's nothing

but then he lost due too poisoning of his weapon from a tauren we still do not hear from again…

i mean we saw her apprentice leading some primalist… but das it

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You guys really should not be drinking the blood of demons :smiley:

Hawkens I thought you were taking a break?

That would have required Garrosh to BE at the Wrathgate. Garrosh doesn’t participate in the actual fighting unless he absolutely has to.

Garrosh was a terrible general/army commander. He botched things in Borean Tundra, he botched things in Twilight Highlands, he botched things in Pandaria.

And then he went to Draenor in the past.

  • The original Horde managed to conquer all of Draenor.
  • Garrosh, even with knowledge of the future and advanced techonology, was SO INEPT at warfare that even with additional advantages, he was unable to achieve what the historical Horde did.

Garrosh has all the military prowess of a dull crayon.

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that or leadership needs to stop drinking blood of demons, grom drank it twice an made his employees do it too.

im not playing wow, but i will post till my account wont let me

Dr. Oz said demon blood was fine.


Oh thank god it was Dr. Oz and not Dr. Phill.

Fair enough Im kind of not playing but Im just too dumb to let my sub lapse

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My point was more he would have been better as a soldier or some kind of leader in the army then the leader of the faction as a whole. More so as in that kind of position, he might be able to inspire his men even if the actual orders they follow come from more competent commanders.

Are you sure it wasn’t Gwyneth Paltrow talking about demon blood being good for your skin?

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what if it was Dr.Suess?

i am currently playing age of wonders 4, and talkin to a friend about buildin up my own fantasy universe.

She uses dragon eggs for a certain treatment, lol.


No clue who said it was good or to drink it, I THINK it was Gul’Dan but i could be wrong.

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not to be confused with a ghoul named Dan.

Got you. I started playing it too again with the Lupine race. They have. PS. Love the tailed look on those guys.

As i said i don’t immerse my self in the lore, so i just remember bits and pieces of it. sometimes i get the names wrong or places wrong.

Has anyone ever seen Gwyneth Paltrow and Gul’dan in the same place?

Maybe she’s actually an Orc name Gwy’neth.

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Speaking of which, everyone needs to check out Fallout on Amazon.

I know you all have it for the Prime Drops.

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das cool, im playin a reaver dark dwarf lookin race.

im gonna watch it, but hear its not faithful to the old lore.

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Don’t now but i did make Gil’Dan my battle pet now i own the murloc verison of the mighty warlock.