Yet again the Horde get's nothing

Did it for the Drama.

my man hordes not innocent either. I distinctly remember Brennadan from BfA, and that was a civilian village with absolutely no combatants that the horde attacked and brutally massacred. Children were crying in front of their parents bodies that were stuck into walls.

You aint gonna be missed.


What races do you think are native to Azeroth?

And still won em all!

I often wish it was Saurfang Jr. that lived and Garrosh that died at the wrathgate. Garrosh was likely a good general/army commander but oh so wrong for leading a multi-race faction. I think even Thrall admitted Sarfang Jr. was his first choice to take over leading the Horde.


They both share the same trait of not having much between those pointy ears. Other than that I dont think they know each other.


Yeah maybe but his WoW “baby” will forever be known as the idiot. I don’t think the drama was worth it.

Garrosh was racist as hell. O_O

Sometimes i think they make choices just to use the players as a social experiment to collect data to sell.

Someone clearly doesn’t remember a particular burning tree, or father of the year being cut down in a 1v1.
Rip my boy saurfang.

Metzen was thinking “this will justify a raid where Alliance players can attack Stormwind”.

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So he could have been Horde’s Garithos.

You’re one to talk

Sorry but when did i say some races shouldn’t even exist or imply it by trying to wipe them out.

I will have you know, I hate EVERY race just as much as the other.

Anyone want to tell Brewa that Metzen is a Horde fan? Or do we want to laugh even harder with each post they make?


I wish it was Cairne. If you read the description of the fight, the old bull was winning.

And we now have void elves again. And high elves have been part of the Alliance since forever. So lets see what Midnight does.

The Humans, Dwarves and Gnomes come from titans. Draenei from Draenor.
On the Horde the Orcs aren’t from Azeroth. Undead I guess come from Titans.

The Trolls, Elves, Tauren, Goblins, Vulpera all come from Azeroth.

On Alliance Elves?

Both have Pandaren. What am I missing?

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We’ve all seen your orc comments

I know, but Magatha had to get her dirty hooves involved, that could be a good Horde story that alliance has nothing to do with, Bringing Magatha to justice.