Yet again the Horde get's nothing

The funny thing about all that is that Garrosh was older than Thrall.

He didn’t need “guidance”.

Garrosh wasn’t a child. He just ACTED like one.


You had us for a war.

This was basically Thralls worst move

Nobody wanted Garrosh in charge of everything, not even Garrosh

Guy knew how to fight, was not a diplomat, heck the amount of victories he had in northrend when all signs pointed to failure were high in the books

If he was just left in charge of the fighting, horde literally would have been unstoppable

Garrosh canonically won the most battles for the Horde in Northrend and was always on the front lines.

He was hailed the Hero of the campaign.

Not Thrall or Saurfang.

Still first.

That’s the thing I don’t understand with Garry fans. They treat him like a child. Like if it weren’t for Thrall Garry wouldn’t have been a bad kid. :rofl:


and not to mention thrall was blinded by the fact that “oh boy, he reminds me of grom! i sure hope he doesnt act like his war-crime committing side!”


Yeah but not most, because we’ve been Horde now way longer.

I hope Zovaal comes back

He sucked so much that I liked him, like one of those dogs that are so ugly they become cute

Youre a night elf yet make excuses as the Horde burned your tree down.

I hope they burn the next one down too.

Garrosh repeatedly sabotaged the Horde’s efforts in Northrend, most notably in Borean Tundra.

(And then he did it again in Twilight Highlands.)

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I know its fun to pretend to be a Blood Elf but you can only cry so much before you make yourself look foolish. You hit that limit about 7022 posts ago. Might want to work on fixing that.

More Horde races are native of Azeroth then Alliance ones, so are you saying that those who have their entire history, including origins, on Azeroth should leave?

Thank you for proving it is the alliance that are the invaders that want to push out the natives. Maybe the primalists had some of the right idea.


It required all that to stop Y’shaarj, Garrosh just happened to be in the way at the time.

Orcs are always dumb enough to think that if they just grab enough power from obviously evil benefactors, this time they’ll get away with it. But surprise! It never helps in the long run.

Yeah but he probably would’ve gotten rid of death knights, too.


Make excuses for…? Are you good?

Thrall is an idiot.

There was several BIG red flags that said “don’t appoint him” and he did it anyways.

I really don’t know what Metzen was thinking, allowing that.

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Are Erevien and Emet related? I’m just getting the same overall vibe.

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he also would of made it purely orcs, no trolls, no gobs unless as mercenaries, or even pandarens.

he’d probably recruit ogres, mostly as a superiority complex.

i dont disagree with you there, thrall is constantly blinded by his past, and doesnt think for the future.

anduins too young and naive to understand that not everything is black n white.
and the rest are just there for the ride.

We should fix that.