Go ahead and do your worst blizzard swine!!
Give pistol shot and BtE a chance to backfire and shoot myself in the face
Make it so when stealth breaks for no reason a slapstick BOING sound plays and my pants fall down
Give grappling hook an animation that shoots out confetti and snakes every time it fails
Add a pie throw to my juggling chainsaws on a unicycle through a ring of fire routine
Let me physically trip over the RtB dice
Make me have to vanish to get 6 seconds of using the auction house
I DONT CARE, I love outlaw! you’ll never break me!
I don’t have the will power like you. I’m much weaker.
I hope they delete the rogue class. It’s a meme class now.
I have a decently geared outlaw rogue at 616 and he makes me small when I play with other classes.
I’m right there with you. Thick and thin, mostly thin. My rogue never changes from outlaw. I honestly think all they have to do is take roll the bones off gcd.
Yeah I don’t have any plans to change from rogue either. I know we have a few issues but I’m enjoying it immensely regardless.
Not sure if this post is sarcastic or not lol, but it’s nice to see a little positivity. I’m playing Sin because it’s easier on my potato brain during encounters, but I love Outlaw’s flavor. I just wish there was a viable alternative to Crackshot builds; firing off a volley of BtE is fun and all, but again, potato brain, so I’m not the best at squeezing out every possible cast during the Subterfuge window.
Delete RTB and they can save the spec IMVHO.
rtb isnt the reason why you have poor performance btw :3c
My biggest hang-up with Outlaw is that it seems the flow of combat is dictated by cooldowns, procs, and combo points and Energy is extraneous… unless you need Energy to slowly Sinister Strike your way to enough combo points to do something fun because your luck is bad and CPs are hard to come by. It doesn’t feel great to SS slooowly to at least 5CP. Fortunately that isn’t too frequent.
And RTB is propped up by various talents to make it less terrible, I’m not sure that’s in a great state either. Maybe I’m old fashioned but I like consistency when I play a class. If variation is coming into play it should at least be interesting and require me to alter the buttons I push for a time… but RTB really doesn’t do that.
RTB doesn’t say… hey, you rolled this, and now your Kidney Shot is a damage finisher instead of a stun. Use it before you lose it.
RTB doesn’t say Distract now becomes Smoke Bomb for 30 secs. Or, Blind lands a nasty DoT on your target and doesn’t incapacitate them.
Things that would interestingly turn defensive abilities into offensive abilities for a short time?
RTB basically alternates between mostly cold (“push RTB, you might get a meh or just OK buff, don’t change what you do”) and rarely hot (“push RTB, you might get some great buffs, which will let you do what you’re already doing a bit harder”).
This would soften it.
How far is that from rerolling automatically though? Even as a talent, anchoring to SND?
Replaces Roll The Bones
Activating SND rolls a dice. A new dice is rolled every t seconds. Rolling the same dice extends that dice duration up to 2x base.
SND and BTE are already maintenance. Is a third button really necessary?
snd is basically removed, bte is a damaging ability? whats going on here
I agree, roll the bone should have been like a hero spec, it’s too much Randomness even though I do like the idea of the random fate bound type play
BTE does damage when it crits and when it applies Dispatch at 50%.
Otherwise, it’s a 20% crit buff.
You already know how I feel about Crackshot, please stop.
No, no. BTE totally does damage without three entire talents holding it up right now. Definitely isn’t a worse button to press than Dispatch without three entire talents keeping it relevant. Nope. Totally fine.
yall legit complain just to complain i stg, even when the complaint is wrong. people legit want the spec to be ss dispatch ss dispatch
But the spreadsheet says…
Honestly, they’re not far from it though.
I would like to see ss as part of the damage breakdown – not ambush, not double-dipping finishers, just hard hitting ss and the occasional blunderbuss proc.
Instead it’s spinning plates on spinning plates. And either (1) nobody knows why people avoid the spec or (2) everybody knows why but they want to maintain a veneer of exclusivity, no matter the cost.
every spec has spenders propped up by multiple talents
final verdict is propped up by 4
obliteration proped up by 4
envenom as well
idk where this idea of “its bad if it needs multiple things to work” is coming from when thats every spec in the game post df talent trees