Ybarra sale M+ runs?

Technically the thread IS breaking the rules as you are not allowed to use Blizzard or a Blizzard employee in the title of a post to attract attention.

It’s just rule violations all the way down in this thread.

Edit: Crap, I’m discussing rules being broken. That’s a rule violation.

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Maybe we violate rules just by existing, hmmmm

or design the game so they are completely unnecessary. take pvp gear for example, if all pvp gear scaled up to 259 in pvp and you could just buy a templated honor set with gold, then nobody would need to buy a carry in order to play casual pvp.

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People hate the idea of pvp being only about skill.

I’ve suggested many times that PvP should just be a stat template you choose with NO ilvl difference, and every time people blow up on you.

Fact is, people just want to get gear and pub stomp noobz.


It wasn’t about that rule precisely.

I must admit I didn’t know about this (assuming it’s true) XD

this would be really cool, but as you say, it won’t happen

Long been a rule, don’t know where it’s posted though.

I know people hate videos but this is a really good one about why pvp in MMOs is often seen as extremely weird to people who actually enjoy pvp

no they don’t, that’s an idea created by a loud group of players, but actual pvpers generally want a fair game. people who want to pubstomp are losers, and i mean that literally, the need to go and stomp someone with no chance at fighting back is a sign of insecurity and low self esteem. a confident player has no problem playing on even ground. the confident player is who the loser should try to change to be and who the game should be designed for. if you keep designing the game for the loser, he’ll never grow into a confident player because all of his wins were given to him sans adversity.

Well, i meant more of the people who argue things on the forums, every time you bring it in a pvp thread people swarm on you like you just killed their god.

Going by your own anecdotal evidence doesn’t make it fact. Stop crying and get into RBGs.

The impact of gear in PvP is also a completely different conversation.

To say Blizzard designed PvP to sell tokens would mean that Blizzard had the tokens planned literally a decade in advance by making WoW a gear based game to begin with.

Which you gotta hand it to them if they did that, pretty impressive foresight.

But even if WoW PvP was completely gear-less, people would still buy boosts for the same reason they buy things like Mythic Raid mounts and titles.

That was the interpretation of the rules that someone earlier in the thread latched onto.

Fact of the matter is, this entire outrage has no premesis beyond “I personally don’t like carries”. Boohoo, I don’t like Rogues, but they still exist in the game.

Technically you’re not allowed to mention anyone by name, Blizzard employee or otherwise. Doing so is considered a “callout thread” and are against the rules to prevent witchhunts.

But the great thing about making up your own rules is that you get to choose how to enforce them. Thus Blizzard usually are pretty lenient on threads that call people out, especially prominent people like devs/executives or popular streamers.

Oh yea, i’ve never tried to use removing need for gear in pvp as an argument to stop pvp boosts, more as pvp being more about skill than gear.

the current pvp game is fresh for SL, new gear system, new meta, new playstyles

there would be less of it and players wouldn’t feel like its required in order to play. if you want to buy a carry for a mog, go right a head, but buying a performance advantage is not okay.

PvP gearing has worked like it currently works for longer than it hasn’t.

The only functional difference in PvP gearing between now and BC is that BC you upgrade your pieces by replacing them when you hit the appropriate raiding and now you just upgrade them.

The only expansions where rating HASN’T been tied to gear have been what, BFA and Legion?

no it hasn’t. have you played wow in the last decade?

BfA had a weekly distribution system with scaling to balance out ilvl gap differences
Legion had no gear but had stat templates.
Wod had even gearing that scaled up in pvp.
MoP had even gearing by the end of the expac, in fact that was when the blues said that pvp gearing needed to be fair.

if you want to count before that as counting, then you are splitting straws in order to be techncially correct. the truth of the matter is that they have spent a long and winding journey over the course of wow’s time polishing and honing and idea about balancing pvp, then for SL they threw it all away, the bathwater, the baby, all of it.

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Honestly, I stopped PvPing in WoW for the exact reasons you’ve listed throughout these threads.

It was always gear-based and poorly balanced.

And here is the gratuitous ad hominem attack against anyone that disagrees with the OP. Way to go :clap:

gratuitous would imply it was uncalled for. the evidence implies it was. subs are down, and wow got knocked off its #1 spot. the fact that the devs seem to be ignoring real feedback in favor of low hanging fruit deliverables while doubling down on some of the failed systems does in fact indicate a deafness to the tone of the crowd.

Ad hominem attacks are never called for. If you feel you have a good argument then state the argument. If someone disagrees, then submit an argument countering their argument.

In my opinion, you have no proof and haven’t submitted any. Correlation doesn’t imply causation. There are quite a number of things that may be affecting subs, etc. I, for one, could care less about boosting, gold runs, etc. IMO people that use those are skipping parts of the game that I enjoy, but if that is what floats their boat, then they should go for it.

And this:

makes absolutely no sense to me. How are you using this? Obviously not in the dictionary sense, and in slang it would imply a calluous disregard for others. Unless you are categorizing everyone that disagrees with you as exhibiting a callouos disregard to their fellow beings it makes no sense.