Ybarra sale M+ runs?

If my job asked me to stop playing a game, I’d immediately start looking for another job. And he’s honestly in a position he could easily find one.

Seems like a stupid demand to ask the highest level employee to not use the product their company creates.

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An here people thought this guy was going to help rebound Wow. Sounds to me like he’s going to be in Ions ear getting him to funnel more players his way… lol

its an employees market atm, basically any jobshift atm results in a pay raise and better working conditions.

A sensible answer :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

Hell, if I were a higher up I’d probably make sure the employees WERE using that product, specially the ones creating it.

It’s like how most of the FFXIV team plays the game, seems like very few of the wow team play wow, I think i’ve seen some posts about them actively not even liking the game.


For the people that insist WoW is being designed around selling tokens, I’d love to hear how Torg, grinding Korthia, or the Cov system pushes token sales.


Man, now I’m just waiting for Inemia to tell us all about their supermodel wife/husband.

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Cut paste outrage post filled with the same people making the same responses. Almost like someone saw the other one and figured it was a good way to farm likes and attention.

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TBF, people are selling torg carries.

Strange for how easy torg is. But they were selling carries in visions last expac, so it’s par for the course.

Well you see:

  • You run Torgie for the legendary. With the base price so high because…tokens
  • Korthia is super grindy to give you the illusion you can get gear but then you realize it takes so long so you want to get carries instead so you’ll buy…tokens
  • Cov system changes where you can swap covenants will lead you into Torgie for more legendaries…see point 1.

Check. Mate.

I’m not serious by the way. But this is how idiots who buy conspiracy theories operate. You can always tear stuff down, it’s not hard to do. I mean let’s face it…they manage to do it after all.


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The obvious answer is to never make any content besides WQ, not even elite rares, because any form of group content is Blizzard forcing you to buy a token to buy a carry.



But i want to buy WQ carries!

This is all Ions fault somehow.

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These points are simple to counter, but would someone dumb enough to buy into the token conspiracy actually have thought them up?

If you say it because of what he was saying, that revolved around a technicality and the questions were hypothetical, assuming the technicality was valid (which I doubt).

But, responding to this within the situation previously explained. If your actions fall into a breaking of the rules, you must stop.

The reality is carries happened without tokens. And after tokens. The tokens do not matter in any way shape or form. Personally, I find carries to be lame and fail to see the point. I will not buy, I do not sell(…not that I’m in a position to sell anyways…ha).

The only way to outright stop carries from happening is to never let you manually group with anyone ever. As long as I can choose to group with Bob. I can trade Bob gold. If you stopped me from trading gold, I would sell something on the AH to transfer the gold. If you took away the AH, I can send him money directly over PayPal or whatever.

As long as I can group with Bob to do an activity, I can carry or be carried.

But yes, let’s make a game where you can never play with who you want just to stop carries. This seems like a reasonable stance.

“But…but…they can ban ads!”

Yes, because no one will ever see anything outside of game in discord, streamers, or on a web search for something we all know exists.

The only way to stop carries is to stop grouping.


Then some people would get the single player wow they always wanted! lol.

Mind you, you could still have groups. Just everything is done by queue’s and never manually. Oh dear, I guess you could in theory keep queue’ing until I got into a group with Bob. You’re right. No queue’s either.

Single player all the way forever and ever. The game’ll completely die, but at least there won’t be carries anymore!

Oh I missed it. I guess that’s another way to stop carries. Shutdown WoW. This also seems like a reasonable thing to try for.


But he’s not though. To say Mike is breaking the rules requires an extremely uncharitable interpretation of said rules where you’d have to extend the concept of advertising to even mentioning a carry run.

By this interpretation, this thread would be a violation of the rules because you’re bringing attention to the fact that Mike Ybarra sells carries and thus advertising for him.

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