Yay Socket Bug Just Hotfixed!

I have 8 vers gems and with it being a max 1 ilvl from all 11. u literally only lose about maybe a percent of damage. thats it.

Slightly. Wrong
Some circumstances. Wrong
Fixed wrong. They’ve disabled gems in rated PvP

fel imp glyph made imp automatically dispel magic debuffs off the lock without putting it on cd
was actually crazy annoying trying to cc locks just for first dr to instantly cleanse then they’d still have it for their team

So now do gems just do nothing in PvP or do they just increase very minuscule?

Thanks to all who shed light on this

Looks like visions r back on the menu boys

euthanize me


They are disabled. They don’t raise your PvP ilvl, but they also don’t give you their advantages.

…really? they just turned them off completely?

no, people are just sensationlizing thr fix.

Instead of gems adding .6 ilvl per gem its .1

The value of the actual socket outweighs the scaling slider.

Who is sensationalizing? Go into rated PvP and read what it says near “requires 120 ilvl” when you look at your sockets.

What does it say?

The socket has absolutely no value because it’s disabled.

not sure if you’re trolling or fried but i literally just did several arenas and checked stat values in and out of the arena and even swapped a 0 socket same piece with a socketed one and the socket absolutely gave me stats

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it claims the gem is disabled in arena. but its still active. Like if u hover it DOES say that but its not true. they are 100% working

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was likely their initial fix to prevent putting gems in socket IN the arena by snapshot disabling the socket entirely if it’s empty when you load in

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Ye but it definitely still works. thats for sure

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Has fel imp been under the radar the entirety of Bfa? I found out about it a month ago, but I have to imagine it’s been there since the start.

Just line chaosbolt 8head

Update: I’m only 5 visions from completion unless I get a 475 geti’ikku (which is not happening) :slight_smile:


am super close as well. congrats in advance!