Yall sleeping on demo lock


10 char

It’s not bad at all. I don’t think anybody says it is.


Only destro BFA players say it’s bad


oh man you haven’t seen any duelistlilly posts have u


I’m afraid. Please don’t tell me they say it’s bad. Just because it’s not as mouth breathing easy as destro doesn’t mean it’s bad :frowning:

Depends on how you define bad. Is it an incompetent spec that isn’t capable of being as versatile as destro? Surely not. But it isn’t as competitive as destro because destro is superior in almost every single way. With the tiny buff it received with this patch along with the entire corruption system, the spec now seems more apt than ever (during BFA) to actually get back on its feet and compete against casters in arena.

It’s probably viable at best at glad range with certain comps, but once you get to r1 or tourney level I’m certain it won’t be as ideal as a destro lock. Frankly speaking, I’m more enthusiastic to discover if demo could potentially be an X factor against some of the prominent comps in a tourney setting when played with certain classes.

This thread is gonna go places my friend. Good luck on your journey and god speed when the 2k warlocks come at your throat.


bring it on

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Demo is v good, it’s frustrating to play just like destro but that’s about it
Kinda sucks when someone sits on ur felguard but ye. Tyrants up every minute or whatever is nice bang yes


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demo is actually a lot of fun. But tyrant has the worst AI in the game and its sad.
It should move faster or cast while moving in my opinion for demo to be more competitive


Seems viable just looks worse than destro in nearly every situation. If destro didn’t exist, Demo would look more appealing and see more use.


I feel like the way tyrant is designed around is just poorly thought out in the first place. I hope in Shadowlands they change tyrant into a Thal’kiel’s consumption that could summon a tyrant that does damage depending on overall active pets you have available. and The current tyrant design makes it way too obvious for opponents to anticipate incoming burst damage.

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Even the best demo I know was forced to play destro…


Sleeping on what? It’s actually bad. The only people that think it’s good is garbodisc and that dark guy.

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Demo has so much ramp up time. And then meticulous maintenance or damage falls off so hard.

Sometimes you can stand in the back of a fight in a BG and really pump. but its not really great for arenas imo.

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It should just shoot bolts like demon hunter shoots Fel lance, no cast time but a cooldown.

The fact that you can kick it and LOS it completely is silly.

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Demo is good into RMX. About it

Cleaves just shut down a demo since they can’t create windows for themselves like destro double coils

We even theory crafted hard this week w fel lord triple spites against cleves and it only helped some


well frick I just took spite to try that, feelsbad

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I hear a lot of demo locks say this. Is it just the pet stun?