OR their working on YOUR invite right now.
ide say they’re equally likely
It’s an automated system. Fortunately it doesn’t sleep. I would love to see the algorithm they’re using. Yeah, I’m nerdy…
True enough, but I have a sneaking suspicion they’re going to be opening things up by rather a lot around the time that Stress test 2 rolls around. And the thing that will let them do that is that nasty little piece of work people keep complaining about in regards to that whole “an active account is required to participate” matter. Someone mentioned previously the Vanilla Beta test had 22 servers by the time all was said and done. The only Blue commentary regarding the beta’s size and scale was that it would start very small.
Honestly I can see 1 week of open beta since theyre already getting subs for the game and its not even out
Well, at some point they will have to put round the clock strain on their layering system. You reach a point where a 2 hour test won’t provide enough data about 24/6 (not 7 cause maintenance) operation under load.
I can see at least two additional Beta servers (PvE + PvP) as “fresh start” servers, with layering enabled from the start, and enough invites going out to populate multiple layers both there and on the two OG Beta severs already running(the twinking on the (near) level 30 capped players has already begun). If only to simulate later potential launch conditions for Classic should they need to ramp up additional realms.
I’d probably ballpark roughly 4 to 5K invites per layer going with a population target of 2.5K to 3K player concurrency. So even two layers on two servers is 12,000 additional invites going out.
But when you’re talking about an interested player pool that likely numbers tens of thousands if not hundreds of, it’s still a drop in the bucket. Some of it though, I think would be to try to minimize the tourist aspect. If many of the tourists can get their fill in beta, it’s less work in the official release.
I feel for you ;( I got an stress test invite…
But it sucks not getting a beta one.
I wish they opened it up for for more people OR cycled out populations…Like only give a weeks access,renew top 10% most active testers, and invite a new batch of people.
might be too complicated, but it would guarantee they get the best testers
Yeah, just a stress test. And I am a vanilla May 05 player, if that helps anyone.