XT-002 Deconstructor Tuning Coming Later Today -- January 31

They knew it was impossible for over a month now. Why bother changing it now? The good guilds would have started clearing it this week or next now that we have gear.

Seems pointless to block gear for everyone for 2 weeks and then make it easily killed by anyone. Might as well let the hardcore players get 1 last challenge in before we hibernate until TOC.

I don’t disagree that maybe it’s a knee jerk nerf, but the notion that retail players are all huge babies that need super EZ content to clear is simply not true at all.

Seriously, have you ever done a Mythic raid? Or a Mythic + dungeon?

If your primary metric for game difficulty is Classic, I promise that those will shock you and you will be the one that kills everyone in .0001 seconds because you didn’t interrupt one solitary trash mob.

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Alright, 2 weeks in, time to wrap up these pre nerf shenanigans, they can be re-visited in WOTLK-SOM :clown_face: :sob: :joy:


Most classic content prior to Ulduar hardmodes wouldn’t have even made the cut for retail heroic.

Classic andies will be classic andies tho

Nah marginalizing my opinion on nothing but the basis that I’m a women is kind of the definition.

You’re Gross. Only reason I even replied because just wanted to confirm what other people are saying about you.

Back to ignoring you.

100% agree. Rets are such whiners. They act like their spec wasn’t viable in Vanilla, was one of the worst in TBC, and then in Wotlk (the one expansion they were actually okay in) got dumpstered. I don’t get it. They need to grow up. Blizzard’s design for the Retribution Spec was solely intended for sexy justicar RP at the Goldshire Inn. The faster the Ret community accepts this, the better.

Although you’re being sarcastic. I agree with everything you said.


So…that makes my statement true.

Hello this thread is not about Paladin crybabbys. Please go make an independent post about your “problem” instead of hijacking this thread. Typical loser Ret Paladins whining smh

Ret Paladins are the reason this was nerfed.

Ret paladins should be on a Cal Berkeley campus arguing with Ben Shapiro it seems.

Yeah, I hear this sentiment all the time on Classic.

If people don’t like retail, that is their prerogative. It’s a completely different game from Classic entirely. I personally enjoy both for different reasons, but at the end of the day they are for different audiences.

The misconceptions that some people who quit during Cata and came back from pservers for Classic have about retail are laughably untrue. They simply have not played the content and don’t care to ever do it. Which, again, is totally fine. But for them to then just go off and make broad assumptions with 0 information is absurd.

The hardest content in retail is a million times harder than the hardest content on Classic. People who say otherwise are simply wrong, but they’re free to continue pretending like clearing a raid everyone killed all of night 1 is the crowning achievement of their life. Classic has always been pretty chill to play and goof around on with your friends. Relive the glory days, etc.

It’s not hard tho. Everything just takes much longer.

Want to hotfix T1 weapons to not cost the same price as T2 for arena while you’re at it?

Thanks for fixing XT. But can you buff Ret Pally damage by 200% so we can at least compete vs. the tanks. Thank you!

Yeah exactly.

Classic is more like your beer league, youre just there to spend a couple hours 1-2 days a week downing bosses. Retail is where the actual hard content is, I dont know why its so hard to andies to just accept that.

Overall classic is the better game. Difficulty wise tho it aint even close

With that logic why argue against buffing Ret so vehemently? If it’s just for fun, why can’t we buff Ret so it can be fun?

I in reality could not give 2 :poop: if they buff ret or keep them where theyre at

Now is this fix gonna be active before the majority of the community raids tonight? Or are you gonna do it well after raids kill him on Normal because the fix isn’t active by raid time?

Thanks for looking at this! Ulduar has been a blast so far, looking forward to trying out XT on hard mode after the adjustment.

This take on retail vs classic is and always has been nonsense. The mechanics are almost identical. Tuning may be different, but so are the tools each class has to deal with those mechanics. They aren’t comparable and one isn’t really harder than the other. They’re simply different.