XP Off change was indeed intentional

Yes, this has been explained many times in many threads.

The gear (read: time) required for us to stand up to twinks was unreasonable, bearing in mind that PvP-focused levelers are interested in participating in multiple brackets on the road to 120.

Twinks need only gear once, so this doesn’t concern them.

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Yeah, I don’t get this either. I’m sad that queues will be an afternoon long. @_@

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Really all I see is a player who expects awards for no effort.

Properly preparing yourself for whatever your facing will yield better results. That goes for playing WoW and for life. If you think that’s “stupid” or “laughable” that’s fine; however you won’t make it very far in life if you think that putting in effort is foolish.

I saw the challenge, I put in the effort and I got success. Making these change punishes those who put in that effort; and that’s just wrong.


I’m actually in the mood to hop onto a character to do some low level bg’s. Kind of excited, might level one exclusively through bgs.


Except with a little effort, Blizzard could have made low level bgs playable to everyone. Low level class balance will still be screwed because separation was a simple answer and they can go back to ignoring low level balance.


Actually there is absolutely nothing I could do to gear up to a twinks gear levels while leveling, making bgs completely pointless for levelers until they made this change.


If I wanted to excel with minimum effort, I’d gear a low level hunter one time and enjoy an eternity of one-shotting people who aren’t interested in treating my chosen bracket as though it was end-game.

Well, not anymore.

Yeah yeah, pal. I don’t specifically gear for the 49 bracket for the same reason I don’t specifically gear for dire maul. It’s not end-game content.

I level up in an enjoyable way and I equip every upgrade I encounter.


That’s fair enough to say.

I’ve been on record saying I’d be okay with twinks and levelers queueing together if the scaling were more strict.

Still, exactly how these brackets should have been adjusted was hotly debated and rarely was a solution pitched that everyone could be satisfied with.


I wish they would properly fix this for all leveling and even endgame instead of simply chopping out xpoff toons from the regular queue.

Anyway, I think the bigger issue was premades and not necessarily twinking itself. Limiting the number of xpoff toons per BG would have been another way to fix this for the levelers while allowing twinks to play.

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LOL! Are you gonna level up and enjoy the end game content? Because if so that makes you the first. Hope to see you durring classic wow

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We aren’t game devs. We can make suggestions or offer feedback, but in the end, it’s on Blizzard to properly address these issues. They didn’t. They just separated based on an off or on toggle, not based on ilvl, broken gear, gems, enchants or busted classes, just a toggle option. Players are rejoicing, but all this does is lock out a small portion of the players while the bigger issues still exist.


I loved classic!

Lol what a joke. Game is doo doo right now, twinking was the only fun thing to do while waiting for vanilla release. No sense in leveling a toon and doing the awful end game content. There is no more PvP fun now, cya in Classic WoW


Fingers crossed that Classic really IS classic.

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I hope they don’t make similar decisions that somehow fracture their player base when classic comes out. Also, I’m not holding my breath.

2 shotting people is considered content?

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You don’t understand, it’s about tHe CoMmUnItY.


I c wut u did thar. I loled. :smiley:

LOL the problem is you think pvp is for leveling, what they should do is make everyone xpoff in BGs that way you lazy people with no gear would actually go get gear then que. Level up through dungeons, thats what they are for, level up through quests (and gear) thats what they are for.


You can just queue xp-off and you won’t be burdened by teammates or opponents that are there for experience.

Enjoy! :sunglasses: