XP Off change was indeed intentional

I was one of those, I’ll be queuing on my Kul’tiran when I get exalted with the admiralty.

People operate on drastically different schedules.

The case may be that people are unlocking or leveling the new races, doing the new quest line or whatever. Things that I even haven’t done yet because I worked late last night.

The case may also be that the bracket separation screwed the queue times in a permanent way.

I don’t pretend to know things things for sure. I’m just saying let’s just give things a few days before we start drawing conclusions.

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There’s just going to be posts from twinks wanting reintegration now. I don’t think it’ll change.

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I just unsubbed both of my accounts. I would rather stop paying for a game that caters to cry babies that want it to be an easy-one button-one spell-same gear-I need my quiet place kind of game. So you separate and kill the que, kill twinks, kill the game, because you are too lazy to get gear, if you are just leveling anyway, do dungeons, quests. This is not a separation, there is NO average wait time for xpoff this means they discontinued the ability for twinks to have games. Meh, w/e its your PoS game now. GL


The crying children got what they wanted :man_shrugging:


It popped after about 6mins

https:/ /i.imgur.com/pXguTmf.jpg
https:/ /i.imgur.com/xjZpQtK.jpg
https:/ /i.imgur.com/9B5nS72.jpg


sure, but there’s also plenty of people who had everything needed to start the questline ready (myself being one). so far i got into a BG halfway over on my kul tiran but im going to find out how long queues are this next week for sure lol.

i have a small bit of shameful hope that more people start leveling in bgs with the seperation too :laughing: but i wish they simply tuned things instead of seperate.

All aboard the unsub train!


This is ironic coming from a twink.

Turn your exp back on, get fast games. Seem simple, no?


Twinks are just upset because with the new races and ppl levelling them they expected to be in for a feast slaughtering levelers in BG’s… boo hoo

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No wait time for xpoff means twinks aren’t queuing. Not the levelers fault…

Take a break, cool off and approach the situation more productively. Adapt and overcome.

I mean to be completely honest, with how cheap some of the amazing enchants are for low lvl twinking you could just twink as you level. It’s probably going to be a thing, so twinks aren’t going away from the xp-on bracket i’d imagine.

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Twinks weren’t the ones making spam threads because pvp was happening in battlegrounds :thinking:


Correct. No one was crying about PvP occurring in PvP settings.

He means that it’s ironic for a twink to accuse others of wanting one-button gameplay when it’s the twinks who deliberately stall themselves at a low level where there are objectively fewer keybinds required.

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That’s not the mentality of players anymore. Now they seem to want things handed to them. It’s very sad. I’m glad you have that mindset, it’s my mindset too.

When I stepped onto BGs back at the end of 'nilla, I got my butt handed to me. Over and over. I looked into why it was happening and set out gearing myself. Team play is important. Everyone contributing to a win matters. I was determined to be a benefit, not a hindrance. I can’t speak for all twinks, of course, but a lot of us don’t have the mindset of “HULK SMASH!” every time we step on a BG. The mindset is: I’ve prepped myself to benefit my team, and be a hard counter to the other faction members that have done the same.


See what I mean? :rofl:


It’s what makes sense in a gear-based game, my friend.

You can’t raid without gear, you can’t arena without gear, you can’t BG without gear.

Do you think people go into raids missing gear, or with gear 20 lvls below their toon lvl? You’re hard pressed to do anything in this game successfully sans gear.

BTW, inspect me. You’ll note this toon is solidly geared with instance/raid gear, not AH buys. :slight_smile:

Imagine the outrage if Blizzard catered PvE to those players.

Blizzard took the easy way out.


It’s pretty amusing how many twinks were laughing and belittling levelers, and then there’s the ones who said they just play twinks for the competition and skill but then as soon as they can’t outgear people to death and get free kills they threaten unsubs.


“Gosh golly Blizzard is just catering to people who want the game to go their way.”

“Gosh golly why won’t Blizzard cater to the way I want the game to go??”

Basically my take-away from this thread, even as someone who has twinked plenty.