XP Off change was indeed intentional

I just checked 20-29, 40-49, and 80-89. The estimated wait times were 7, 12, and 16 minutes respectively.


Thank you for doing that.

What’s getting old is the tired adage “I used to get blown up by twinks and ya know what I did? I picked myself up by my bootstraps and bought some gear on the auction house, then the whole bus stood up and clapped for me.”

The “zero effort” you think everyone is clamoring for will still be punished by good players. Difference being, the average person will no longer have to suffer sky-high gear ceilings. Sounds good to me.


There’s also probably people grinding rep now that the races are here. Low level alts are what people do when they are done with stuff on their max levels most of the time.

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I never claimed they were some massive population. I’ve always maintained that just one or two can ruin a BG. Hell, every time I’ve said that you’ve responded with the same nonsense that I just replied to.

What are you even talking about? Do you recognize who you’re replying to? You’re very confused today.

Uhhh was 10 minute average time for me, 3 of them went over an hour. Everyone knows estimated time isn’t accurate


Hmm funny, I went out and ran dungeons to get my twinks gear. Got my own enchants as well. Thanks for assuming though.

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Yeah, sometimes its lower. :kissing_heart:

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Lets see that in higher brackets 40+

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That was your take-away from my reply? For real?

I’ll enter a 40-49 queue right now and update when it pops.

Can anyone give information on why I’m unable to make a new post on these forums? It’s grayed out, which is frustrating me even further…

Likely need a higher trust level

I get ur points for sure, but I definitely unlocked the Kul Tirans within 40 minutes of getting home from work as well.

The twinks who actually wanted competition. Maybe twinks should grow their community if they want faster queues, get more people to like twinks. Though I most definitely was put off from ever considering it given the behavior from the people within the twink community.

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Was I supposed to take something else away from it? The rest of your post just screamed “hooray! Now people don’t have to put extra effort in”

This sky high gear ceiling you mentioned didn’t exist. It took me 6 hours of game time over a couple of nights to gear my twink. That’s completely reasonable for a MMORPG. This will not make leveling battlegrounds better, and I imagine people will be back here complaining within the week about something else they find gives others a “unfair advantage” over them.

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a lot of levelers did not queue for BG’s because of twinks… now they will once more


The last time this happened queue times for exp on, were 5 minutes on average. I would level through with heirlooms. Give it time. Levelers will queue up again. I was actually not happy in how fast I leveled through.

You mean years ago when the playerbase was big enough to hold 22 different brackets, between levelers and twinks


Atleast the battleground forums will have a lot fewer posts concerning twinks. That’s another plus.