XP Off change was indeed intentional

Just closed my account. I recommend that all who xp off should do the same, maybe if enough of us do this they will change their minds again.


Exactly. Longer queues for levelers and non existent queues for many twinks. Who won?


What if, and I know we’re playing hypothetical, but what if those few twinks were the tipping point in keeping queue times low? If you say that they will be replaced with the people coming back after avoiding it, do you think that’s happening now with the hour long queue times?


You are reaching really hard with the longer queue times with exp on. Its a new patch day, its bugged, people are working on their Zanda/KT, etc.

Not to mention all the former twinks who don’t unsub will be rerolling heirloomed out characters as well.


I assume you didn’t twink the 90s in WoD? I did the entire expansion, and queues were 45 minutes or longer the ENTIRE expansion.


3 separate 1 hour+ queues, and it’s “reaching?”


Currently no, no I am not.

Come to find out, it’s not.


Lets let the dust settle before we claim hour long queues are going to be the norm. Hint: they aren’t.

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I warned exactly about this, you watch. 11 different brackets/24 hours a day. How many players do you really think queue up all different brackets to level?


they needed to tune things like Elemental Force enchants, and maybe tune down damage for lower lvls somehow.

it’s a shame they threw in the towel, though I’m curious to see if lvling in BGs will be do-able. queue times weren’t great and almost non existant during the odd hours, I hope you can still get games in reasonably.


Why? Cant organize a community to compete with like minded players? Just cause you dont get to abuse gen pop doesn’t mean you cant use those muscles that you built in the yard.

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I think that’s what frustrates more than anything. Rather than address the problems, Blizzard slapped a bandaid on it.


This is a very sad change. I started doing battlegrounds while leveling back in the fall and guess what, I got destroyed by twinks. So what did I do? I got to work, geared up a twink of my own and fought back.

I get it, it’s not fun to be utterly destroyed; but this is not the answer. This whole thought process of “ I should be able to put zero effort in and still be the top player” is getting old. If you want to do PVP, be ready to put some work into your character; just like you would for any other part of the game.

The reality is, anyone who has their XP off just won’t play now, not because we can’t destory ungeared players, but because we aren’t going to sit for hours to play a single battleground. Plus there will still be people destroying others in PvP with enchanted gear, overpowered classes and sometimes just flat out skill. This will not fix levelers getting destroyed at PVP.


And you think the twink population was so sizeable that it made HOURS long changes to the queue times?

People are doing new patch stuff. WG, 120, Zanda/KT. Relax.


People always forget this.

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Oh, spare me. Those two twinks per battleground were not the difference between 15 minute queues and hour long ones.

You want us so badly to regret asking for this. We don’t.

I bet the 29/39 brackets are booming thanks to the two new allied races beginning at level 20. People are playing the patch. It came out exactly yesterday. Let’s give things, I don’t know, two or three days before we run screaming through the streets.


If you read these forums, you would think they were everywhere


That might not be as much of a factor as you think, seeing as though people are leveling new toons with the new races. Not everyone pays for a race swap…

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And they weren’t. So they aren’t affecting queue times that massively.

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Now the story changes, I got you

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