Wyrmrest Accord Discord

Jesus Christ lol

Anyone wanna start a pool on whose alt Bazel is?

Takin’ all bets! :dollar:

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I don’t think you know me, but I’m interested to know who you think I am.

I have no desire for anonymity. And…you’re welcome?

The person you came here to make fun of is being threatened, harassed, and told to kill themselves.

How about you leave?

Oh no, pedophiles are being threatened and harassed? Gosh, I’m sorry. I guess I’ll just leave.

Baenura is not. She presented proof that others were, and you’re making fun of someone now being told to kill themselves by multiple people she outted. You’re a sick person.

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don’t argue with this clown, just report

this is gross

You’ve misunderstood me, clearly. I thank the whistleblower for coming forward. I know it’s not easy to stand up to a group of your peers like that. No one deserves to be harassed or misrepresented, certainly not when they’re standing up to true evil. I take pedophilia very seriously. My son plays on this server!

I remember not two years ago, led by a brave few mods, we banded together against the TERFs and formed a New Discord that was a welcoming, caring environment, a place where we could all live in harmony. But who knew that there were pedos lurking in the fringes? Just a few months later, the new discord became a veritable Sodom. Now, it’s time to form a New New Discord, free of pedos and pedo apologists. Who’s with me? We can do this together!

I could backpedal like that when I was younger, but these days it’s just asking for a sprained ankle.


I’m not IN the discord but I will say that anything that exploits children, animals, or unwilling adults for sexual gratification is a crime, and just because “you haven’t actually done it yet” that doesn’t mean you aren’t sick and in need of help or incarceration.

And I will stand by that statement. Have a great Sunday.


That’s a mighty brave thing for you to say. At least I know there’s one Christian on WrA!

I’m not Christian and you continue to be weird and off putting by making this about that.

Well, at least you’re not a pederast. And that makes you OK in my book!

ps…Jesus is the Way.

Y’all see the lion king

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No, it is what a normal human being would say.

I can’t tell if you’re trolling or high, and I sincerely hope you’re not being serious with your stuff.


Gr8 b8 m8 :+1:t2:

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Def trolling.

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Wait, is this the same tool that kept on doing the christian recruitment threads a few months back and kept getting blasted back off the server for their bigotry?

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Also pederasty is a disturbed Christian/catholic concept that equates homosexuality to pedophelia, so this dude is also spewing hate speech. For anyone unaware.

I’d just report and ignore.

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Sorry I thought they were synonyms. It says I can’t enter the word “pedo*hile” for some reason. I’m not Catholic. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.