[WW] SEF Bugs And More

To add to this, there are many other bugs with Windwalker that aren’t centered on Storm, Earth and Fire.

When gaining large amounts of haste via a proc (Fury of Xuen, Bloodlust, Galecaller’s Boon) you can run into situations where you will be unable to use Whirling Dragon Punch. This is a relatively “new”-ish problem that became more popular in 8.1 as a result of Fury of Xuen being added. I reported this bug a few weeks ago (Windwalker Bugs in Season 2 - #3 by Thegalant-misha) but haven’t heard any communication from the devs about this.

Additionally, It seems if the CDR from Blackout Kick exceeds the tooltip cooldown on Fists of Fury or Rising Sun Kick the CDR will not work.

Occasionally your Storm, Earth and Fire Spirit’s Mark of the Crane stacks will add to yours and they will never fall off resulting in situations where you can obtain 5 stacks of Mark of the Crane on Single Target with no additional targets having spawned up to minutes before hand. Not entirely sure how this bug works but it should be looked at.

Windwalking (the movespeed aura) will sometimes turn off (by entering a vehicle) and the aura will fail to work until you switch specs

Mainly what needs to be fixed immediately is that many Azerite traits (Pressure Point, Dance of Chi-ji, Glory of the Dawn) are not working with Storm, Earth and Fire at all resulting in a loss of DPS while you are inside of your CD. This was one of the main points you addressed way back in 7.1.5 that bugs should not hinder Storm, Earth and Fire and it should work as intended. Unfortunately nowadays Serenity is not a viable alternative to avoid these bugs so we are forced to play with them.

Thank you for your time and reading this and I eagerly await a response.