WW Monk/DK LF Guild

Hello all. Trying to find me a last minute home for 9.1. I am steadily gearing my monk(trying to swap to it) but can go DK if monk is not a good class for you. I have AOTC in NYA and CN, and 4/12M in NYA as well. I do a fair amount of PvP but trying to get more into raiding/m+ (push for KSM, maybe dabble in mythic raiding again, etc) I bring a blunt but helpful, giddy, and all around good attitude! Hope to talk to some of ya :smiley:

Hey, I’d be interested in speaking with you about Funky Town on US-Illidan. Give me a shout on discord - BlitzkriegDC#8703

(One Shot Is Never Enough) Bleeding Hollow Looking to Grow our Mythic Team 3/10M Tue/ Thurs 9est to 11:30est. RBG’S on the weekend and mythic + on off nights. We are AOTC Guild that does casual Mythic Progress as well. Currently looking for a 3 dps and 1 flex healer/dps.

We have 3rd raid night every other week on Mon (Optional/alt run). Returning Players and casual Players welcome. Battle.net Fenadorm#1793

Would love a windwalker on our roster I’ll drop guild spam below

You sound fun! If you’re looking for a AOTC guild with lots of stuff to offer including a multi chapter gaming community…check us out!

Too Sweet is an active & established guild on Alliance side of Lightbringer

GM: Nessdark,
Officers: Wolfpac, Verethas, Feroce, Felweeb, Falovard, and Vull

Our community is proud to be the home for beginner and veteran players alike. We regularly run Mythic Keystone dungeons, normal and heroic raids, plus transmog, mount & achievement runs. We strive for AOTC each raid tier at a pace that fits the core roster. You should join us if you are a Parent or College age player who just wants to enjoy the game. Play in a relaxed setting without much pressure to play something you dont want to. Our raids are known to be big social events with lots of laughter, music, and progression. We believe we play better if everyone is enjoying themselves.

Currently Recruiting DPS and 1 healer
DPS classes of interest would be Range (Mage , Warlock, Hunter, Elemental Shaman)
Healer class (Disc or Holy Priest, Holy Paladin)

Raid Progress:
N 10/10, H 10/10

Raid Times:
Fridays 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM PST (Realm Time)

To join: Whisper any officer or member online.
or message me on battlenet
Jackymoon#1378 aka Wolfpac

Hey, I raid lead a small guild on MalGanis that has achieved aotc every tier we have raided. We have a team of about 10 looking to build that are all friends, we dabble in pvp and have ksm key pushes. We raid Thursday 730cst to 10cst and Friday 730cst to 11cst. If this sounds doable please reach out to me on discord FallenBoA#3115.
Look forward to hearing from you.

Hey, I’m the GM for on Bleeding Hollow. We’ve got a spot for you on our raid team. We’re a newer guild that achieved AOTC and some casual mythic progress last tier. You can join the guild, or just hop in our discord and come for raid nights, whatever works for you. If you’re interested contact me on discord, JP Meningitis#7669

Hey there Careatae,

Obvious Immortalis Plug on Stormrage are looking for more DPS for our Fri/Sat raid team :slight_smile: We raid 9pm eastern until 11.30 and are going for AOTC and then maybe some mythic dabbling.

Other main interest for the guild is keys, we have plenty of folk pushing for KSM again this season.

If you’re interested give me a shout on disc yabigchoob#1967



Disorientated is an Alliance AOTC focused guild on Stormrage, and we’re looking for a monk! (DPS DK also welcome) We raid Tues/Fri 8-11PM EST and will run m+ throughout the week, with an alt raid sometime over the weekend.

Check out the linked post and get in touch if you want to talk more!

< Salt Factory > of Arthas is a 2 night a week Cutting Edge Mythic progression guild.

What we offer

An active community of players that run Mythic Plus regularly. A laid back environment that is fun and enjoyable. Progression raiding on a two day schedule that leaves you with plenty of time to enjoy other aspects of the game or life.

What we expect from you

We expect raiding experience in previous tiers of relevant content. All of our raiders are expected to maintain close to 100% attendance during progression content. It should be apparent that you are putting forth the maximum amount of effort in improving your characters effectiveness.

Current Progression
9/10M Castle Nathria
12/12M NYA
7/8M EP
8/9M BOD

Raid Times:
9pm - 12am EST Tuesday (Progression)
9pm - 12am EST Thursday (Progression)
9pm - 12am EST Sunday (optional)

Recruiting Needs
Strong DPS with preference to Hunter and Lock or Spriest.

[Recruiter] Lovecoil
Bnet: norquandro#1999
Discord: Lovecoil#8594

Allo Careatae o/

Dusk Eternal are looking for a Monk to help round out our roster heading into 9.1! We are an AotC guild that are planning on moving into Mythic once we get our AotC out of the way.
We are a laid back bunch, but we get those bosses down to 0% pretty efficiently. if that sounds like a good fit, reach out on discord to me bluu#7164

Hi Careatae! The High Ground is looking for dps for our raids on Sat/Sun 6-9pm PST. We have AOTC and KSM as well as mythic raiding xp. We want to push mythic in 9.1 eventually but in a fun and friendly environment. Feel free to click on the link for our guild’s recruitment post or add my btag Mosmig#1435 if you’re interested. Thanks for your time!

Hey, if you guys are still looking, our raids nights are Wednesday and Sunday 8pm to 11pm est. Would love to have you.

About Us:
< TILTED > is a returning guild of mythic players with various Cutting Edges throughout their experience. We are currently seeking a few more players to round out a mythic roster for the rest of the tier and moving forward! Our goal is to accomplish CE every tier within a timely manner, but we are not willing to sacrifice our raid environment in order to accomplish these goals. Targeted harassment will never be tolerated!

Tues: 6:30-9:30pm PST (9:30-12:30am EST)
Weds: 6:30-9:30pm PST (9:30-12:30am EST)
Thurs: 6:30-9:30pm PST (9:30-12:30am EST)

Current Roster Needs:


-Ele Shaman
-Windwalker Monk


We are always open to any and all strong candidates so please don’t shy away from applying if you feel we would be a good fit.

Every raider is expected to carry themselves positively. This means don’t attack your fellow raider
Come prepared! While the guild will provide various consumables, you should still show up ready with what you need.
Know the fight: take advantage of external sources such as YouTube videos/guides for each fight before we pull. We will also keep our Discord up to date with the latest guides/information.
Know your class: just like above, take advantage of external sources to know how to play your class to its maximum potential.

Where to apply:

https: //apply. wowaudit. com/us/area-52/tilted/main

How to get in touch:
Dax#12441 (Bnet)
BlackMamba#1909 (Bnet)
Chugs#11757 (Bnet)/ChugsBleach#8587 (Discord)
Draz#11875 (Bnet)

Hey Careatae,

is a semi casual (serious about getting AOTC as we did in CN) raiding guild looking to fill it’s roster for 9.1

We raid Tues/Wed 830PM EST - 11PM

Feel free to add me on discord, Sameclothes#8873 !

Hi If you’re fine going horde raid Fri/Sat from 8pm-10:30 pst on MalG. If those day/times work for you I’d love to chat on disc Mae#0128

Hey there, I’m not sure if you’re open to coming horde but we might be the perfect home for you! Here’s our info for you

Entitled Elite is a semi hardcore raiding guild located on US Illidan, Horde side. We are recruiting for our core Mythic raiding team.

Raid Days

Tuesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Wednesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Thursday 8PM - 11PM EST

Our priorities for recruitment is the following:

  • Tank - Non DH
  • Healers - Resto sham, Resto Druid, Disc Priest
  • Ranged DPS - All
  • Melee DPS - All

All exceptional players will be considered regardless of class and spec.

Our goal is progress as far into the tier as possible with a cutting edge mentality while still maintaining a fun environment for everybody.

Outside of raiding, we have a lot of active members who like to push high keys. We have many members with an IO score of over 1500 and many more climbing. If PvP is more your thing we have an RBG team and several multi-glads that love to run arenas with multiple players over 2000 rating in both 2’s and 3’s.

Apply at h ttps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PS3NF5P (Delete space in between h & t)

or feel free to reach out to one of our officer’s which are posted below.

Guild Master
Zymena - Battle.net - Defusionz#1271 - Discord - The Goon Squad#7157

Deff - Battle.net - Beautyinwar#1784 - Discord - deffmetals#1002

Hello, Careatae! [A] House Brighthammer (Wyrmrest Accord) is a smallish guild that raids, does M+, and sometimes other activities together. We would like to invite you to check out our Normal/Heroic team. If everyone is comfortable after a two to four week trial period, we would ask that you transfer servers. Raid times are Sunday and Monday 7-10PM Pacific. We use two-way Discord communication. If interested, I’d love to hear from you at Aristiri #1425 Bnet, or Akaitaka #9181 on Discord.

[A] Descendants of Lore is a semi-casual Alliance raiding guild on Khadgar/Alleria/Exodar/Medivh that has been around since Vanilla (15 + Years). We are a small to medium sized, close-knit guild of friendly, mature players, with the majority being over the age of 30 with, jobs, families, and adult responsibilities.

We offer a laid back environment with dedicated players willing to put in the work to succeed but not at the expense of fun or sanity.

We make a push for Heroic each expansion and sometimes dip a toe into a Mythic boss or two in expansions where our roster allows.

We raid Sundays from 4pm-8pm CST. (2-6 pm Pacific) and every other Saturday with plenty of opportunities for Mythic + throughout the week.

We are looking for mature, friendly, active, and dedicated players to join us for Shadowlands and beyond.

If you wish to raid, we expect you to come prepared (food, flasks, enchants, gems, know your class and rotation) and on time, come with a good attitude and know how to wipe with dignity and work towards progress.

We will accept anyone who would be a good fit for our guild, and can currently accommodate almost any class, but are especially looking for talented DPS classes and 1-2 healers.

If you have made it past the novella, please consider us if you are looking for a fun, mature, and friendly environment with an established, long term guild that doesn’t tolerate drama. Or if you are looking for a raid experience filled with silliness and dad jokes.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or wish to consider Descendants of Lore as your new home. Daveta#1154.