Wut In Tarnation?

Yes it’s only female gnomes I believe

I wish my weapon would cover my face; piggy eyes, gaping mouth and all.

OP kinda looks like they’re peeking out from behind a wall. She’s a spy.

This is hilarious.

Changed my mog so instead of looking like darth Vader now I look like a big rock lol :expressionless:

This has been posted for quite some time. I guess it is just not important enough for Blizzard to fix.

No, smaller/certain weapons (like your “lightsabers”) don’t do it. I found this “wrench thing” look, which went with this mog; Happily it doesn’t do that “Face Hider” thing.

Look at my date, of this post (in the web bug forum)

March 2019.

It’ll probably just be a closeup of the diaper.

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But why not :sob::sob::sob:

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Right? :weary::weary: :tired_face:

Reroll before it’s too late!!

Found one that semi works