[WTT] BC: My gold [H], your [A] Arugal

My group has decided to play alliance on Arugal for Burning Crusade, but most of my gold is with horde on Windseeker. Since PvE characters can’t be transferred to a PvP server, I can’t bring any of my Windseeker gold or items with me. Are there any players on Arugal who want to trade for Windseeker gold? I have up to 1,000 gold I’d like to move, and I’d be happy to trade at a 3:2 ratio (3 of my gold for each 2 of yours). If you max me out, I’ll give you a better deal – 600 of your gold for all 1k.

Because the trade would be trust based, I would be willing to trade first, starting with a small amount first, and moving to larger amounts once we establish some trust.

If you are interested, please respond to this post or message me in game on Windseeker (I will most likely be on a level 55 orc shaman named Jegram, if I am online). Responding to this post would be best if I am offline, as I don’t consistently log into this server.

Edit: We’re doing Arugal now, changed post to reflect this.