WTB PVP fixes

How many tokens do I need to buy to get Blizz to put EFFORT into fixing pvp?


They din’t make that many tokens.


If you can give an example of them ever once having put any effort into PvP, then you’d have some sense of scale of what it might take for them to do it again.

But since PvP has never been anything other than a smoldering hot dumpster fire of a waste of time, that isn’t going to happen.

They should bracket by ilvl

Step 1 is defining “fix”. Nobody can read YOUR mind and know what YOU mean by “fix”. Blizzard doesn’t employ mind-readers – not one.

And if you mean “make pvp perfect” forget it. Blizzard doesn’t employ magical superhumans that can create perfection. This is the real world. Blizzard doesn’t have a magic wand they can wave while saying “FIXus PVPus”. That only works in Harry Potter movies.

If you can’t even figure out what “needs” changing, or how it should be changed, or how to make it better…why complain that someone else didn’t?

But if you can explain to Blizzard what problems exist, and how to improve them, then maybe they will do what you suggest. Then you (plus Blizzard) will have helped many players!

I’m not sure as I’ve never played PVP, but my understanding is they got pretty much everything they asked for from BFA in SL and are the easiest to gear up… ??

There have actually been enough very common complaints that specifics should not need to be mentioned if you’d been paying attention.

No one owes you to take the time to write out a long, detailed treatise with all the frequent complaints in order to spoon-feed someone who clearly has never had any interest in it and whose only interest is pedantry.

You mean the mythic raiders who geared up using rated PvP? Or the glads who sell paid carries for real money?


Neither, just looking at a couple articles and the stuff from PVP vendor guy. But, like I said I’m not into it or totally informed. Just basically everything hardcore raiders, mythic’s and PVP got basically everything they asked for and are still complaining. :woman_shrugging:

Complainers are mostly people who are at the bottom of foodchain related to gear, hardstucks etc.

Still since they’ve made PvP gear trash in PvE they must make PvP gearing faster and improve it.

OP seems like complaining about classes.

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about tree fiddy

They should give everyone the same stats in PvP to make it fair and competitive, gear has no place in PvP, which is why I like how GW2 does it.

Not saying GW2 is a perfect game, but having separate templates is great.

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Read this post, itll explain why a lot of the community is upset

Your minigame will never be fixed

Okay, I understand a little more so thank you. Not a thread I should have butted into - apologies. Just seemed to me like one had to do these things to get decent gear to compete in pve. I still get a wee ticked when someone two shots some thing in pve before I can get one in making those incredibly long quests even longer.

Though for the most part turns out for just pve the gear ilevel is just fine. But, there is a reason I never want to try PVP which does have to do with gear - and always get upset when classes are nerfed to accommodate PVPer’s. I’m playing my game too.

However, I can see the outrage of the PVPer’s side whether I agree with it or not…the change does seem a little off, but what do I know? Right?!

So, again thx. Nice to learn things from players rather than one sided videos or a website in which reading it is like reading greek and gives me a headache! Bye!

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I mean the holy pally nerfs that happened today are literally pve oriented nerfs that are trickling down into pvp where we are already severely nerfed and just kicking us down even more, so i understand the sentiment :stuck_out_tongue: i wish changes to classes happened for pve and pvp separately

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