Wtb one Arena without a freaking ret pally in it

How much Blizzard? I’ll freaking pay $5 extra a month sub for this feature.

If you don’t like the class, it will always be the one you see most often.


You spelled boomy/enhance wrong.

Ret isn’t that bad right now so what are you whining about.


just deal with it man, every RSS am in there is 1 WARLOCK

Friggin pallies are OH PEE mang I press damage and every time they about to die they just become immune wtffff.

BRB mom said Mac n cheese is ready


Sounds like another Palumor sub had his shadowy duel castsequence macro thwarted by bubble.


The other two buttons on their action bars are to surrender the match and then toxic whisper everyone in the game and block them

i have seen like 2 ret pallies in 200 matches so idk.

Ya idk at this point I’d love all my arenas to have rets in them lul.