WTB Mage T2 Pieces

I’m looking to buy a few pieces of Mage T2. I do a lot of AOE farming and want the 5pc set bonus. I’ll buy any BWL T2 pieces other than the chest, which I already have. Many pieces of T2 is generally not highly sought after for raiders.

I’m the GM/RL of Bramble, but my main, Yumili, is a Druid tank. As an integral part of the raid, raiding on my Mage is problematic. As the GM, it’s just cleaner drama-wise if I buy them from a different guild.

I will happily contribute to the raid and can help with strats if you need it. However, I’m only willing to sign up if you can clear through Chromaggus in a single night. Message me on discord yumili#7017 if you have an opportunity.

Still looking to buy pieces, need 2 more BWL pieces, already have chest