WTB 450, 500, 550, and 600 Mount Achievements

There is one thing I have often wondered about in regards to how the achievements have worked from Legion forward.

Prior to Legion, it did seem like the achievements truly did track ONLY mounts that were usable by one character.

However, that seemed to have changed with Legion. I have all of the Legion class hall mounts and they all counted towards the achievement. In addition, so did profession mounts, whereas before they would not count for characters who did not have that profession.

BFA didn’t really seem to throw any wrenches into the workings of the achievements, but Shadowlands sure has – with the Covenant mounts.

Think about it, at the moment we are restricted with some mounts based on our Covenant. But imagine how aggravating it would be for the achievements to properly keep track of your usable mounts if you are switching Covenants around. If the achievements only relied on YOUR usable mounts, the numbers on the achievements would constantly be in flux if you Covenant swap a lot.

I honestly think that Blizzard has painted themselves into a corner with the mount achievements and how they previously tracked. Now it seems like they may have to start tracking our mounts across our entire account.

Below I have done some comparisons between 5 of my characters.

When I use the Wow Secret Finding & Collections Discord bot to track my mounts, it gives the exact same amount each time no matter what class, profession, or faction I use.

I checked 5 of my characters and every single one returned a count of 510 mounts.


Armory totals for each character shown above all give a count of 559 mounts collected.


Kyzera - ALCH/HERB: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/bloodscalp/kyzera/collections/mounts

Elini - INSC/HERB: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/bloodscalp/elini/collections/mounts

Maynes - BS/MINING: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/bloodscalp/maynes/collections/mounts

Saem - TAILOR/ENG: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/bloodscalp/saem/collections/mounts

Syraenas - BS/MINING: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/twisting-nether/syraenas/collections/mounts

My account-wide collection totals via WarcraftMounts website returns a count of 614 total mounts.

Link: https://www.warcraftmounts.com/collection.php?user=Khayyin

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