Wrathion/Sabellion Reputation Grind - Mob Spawn Rate Significantly Nerfed

I am trying to see the logic behind the nerf. This particular farm already wasn’t a fast one. Know the rates at obtaining the items needed to turn in for rep have gone down massively.

As far as I can see there is no exploit to this system and its just players grinding for mounts, cosmetic etc…

So why the nerf?


What irks me about it, is it just reinforces the whole “Exploit Early, Exploit Often” mantra that has developed, just now it’s bleeding into intended behavior, in this case, being grinding.

It was still a montonous grind even before, and now it’s even worse.

If Blizzard had an issue with hyper spawns, why have they not stopped them being used for years now? Why this particular thing?

The worst part is the hyper spawning in the tunnels made it so the groups were less disruptive to other players in the area trying to do their weeklies. Now when you’re trying to do your weeklies, you get to have fun trying to tag things before the group of five steamrolls through everything, greying them out, because there’s always 2-3 groups up top, rather than groups just forming on realms where no one is in the tunnel and farming down there.


Basically a definition of Blizzard wants you to do honestly. I know people were doing this key thing and abusing the Profession rep thing and had nothing taken from them but only gained things. Makes zero sense


It was clear they didn’t intend for you to go the option of grinding easily. It took me 2 hours to go from 3 to 6 with the hyperspawn, it was not ok imo. The bigger issue lies is ever since SOTFO, it’s not “scary” to abuse exploits/broken game mechanics. A mythic end boss got bug abused and exploited with 0 repercussions early on and it pressured every guild after to find and abuse the bug to save up to 100 pulls for some guilds on a very difficult encounter. Early abuses in DF got exploited(I know people who exploited accord and didn’t get banned or any action taken) so now we’re in an area where it’s only beneficial with no consequence to abuse these game mechanics to get ahead.

I think for Blizzard, it should be a mixture of, understanding an egregious grind and not just letting people who abuse it have absolutely no consequence, taking away the rewards at a minimum. Until that happens, Exploit early and often will be the meta.

Some could argue it’s the systems fault for being exploited, but I’ll never agree with that logic.