Wrath PvP Gear Discounted

Even with the reduction in price its literally unobtainable in any reasonable amount of time unless you previously stacked honor. You barely get 60 honor a BG and less if you’re in greens. Even in ideal circumstances you’d be getting 1k honor per 4 hours. Thats disgusting for lvl 80 gear. But sure drive away anyone who came back to cata by letting people one shot them for upwards of 80+ hours.


You’re trolling

in 2 weeks none of this gear will matter

I got my full set yesterday.

1 day for all of it.

Hell yeah! I can do ICC now.

Literal fiction from both of you. He’s over exaggerating, sure, but you’re also minimizing.

Reality, as it usually does, lies between these two extremes.

I queued AV and Wintergrasp on CD for about fourteen hours over my two days off this past weekend and received:


I need roughly 3k more honor to finish the grind, which is going to be somewhere between 35-45 more AVs, depending on taken objectives in AV.

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Sounds good

Venture bay dailies give 50 honor each, save for the rocket one which is like 4, but still that’s at least 200 you can get right then for minimal effort.

Though with the honor buff it’s more like 220, so that’s nice.

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Iirc two of them give 50, maybe three. One gives 15 and the last gives 5.

Not really worth it unless you can do them between AV queues. Wintergrasp is also a waste of time if you have the PVP quests completed compared to simply queuing AV (unless you win and or lose within ten minutes).

The battle one on the river gives 50, then the three down south give 50, killing the opposing faction’s elite guy, 10 kills and smoking out the venture guys. And below 80, they give pretty decent exp, moreso with heirlooms.

Good tip!!

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Absolutely! Save for the rocket riding daily, any of the dailies that gave venture coins still give honor, and actually their honor increased. 10 coins = 30 Honor before the conversion, now they give 50 Honor post conversion, so their value has only gone up in that aspect.

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