Wrath of the Lich King Classic: Ulduar Now Live!

Meh, this is Wrath authentic. Clunky yes, but its one of the few things they did that follows #nochanges.

It doesn’t even do that, in original wrath the content just dropped the same badge type all expansion.

ah okay that makes sense

There is no mention of the VoA changes to include the new boss. Presumably this is still happening on the 17th as it would be extremely confusing to add a new boss mid raid lockout. Maybe VoA gets changed in the next lockout to stop us all from trying to get t8 before ulduar drops.

Are you blind? It says the 23rd at the bottom of the announcement. It’s out the following Tuesday after launch.

What happens to the leveling quests that reward emblems of heroism? Will they be updated to current heroic dungeon emblems?

Can we get confirmation if the change to gargoyle is officially being rolled in Tuesday after reset?

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They added that later

When can I move a toon back to faerlina that I didn’t even mean to move??

It’s amazing that you don’t know what he’s really asking… the point of the question is about the gear, which they previously said was going to be the case and now crickets.

We already unearthed the secrets of Ulduar thought years ago, what? Nothing unknown in there.

Can’t wait for Ulduar

Will 10 Man Obsidian Sanctum Bonus Loot from Drakes drop in the Titan Rune Dungeons or just loot from Sartharion?

It would be awesome if you guys could introduce Race Changes. It’s a bummer knowing that I can’t parse 100% As an Undead because I don’t have Troll / Orc Rogue

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race changes when?

don’t care anymore. been burned too many times by the toxic raiding community in wow. done with it for good.

Have they announced the class changes anywhere yet? Asking for my priest main. Mind Sear should be targetable on a friendly starting in Ulduar, but I don’t see any class changes listed anywhere. TIA for info.

It’s weird what people think they remember. There were 5 different badges throughout original Wrath and they appear to be following suit this time aswell, despite originally stating that they would simplify it.

Already cleared in 1h15,

Easy mode content

has hardmodes though.