durid kat is 4 fite
It really wasn’t though hahahha
I really dug Legion, and it was likely a better game and there were all sorts of cool things.
But it wasn’t a better time.
All the firsts for the game, some that certainly polarised the playerbase (flying) and many others.
I mean epic flight, man, people wanted it so badly they traded good times in craigslist for it!
brb bowflexing
Still having a big world feel and community as you had to run to summoning stones etc
Isle of Quel Danas, some of the best world pvp ever.
But of course I’m biased, I was a rogue in the age of Warglaives
Meet the noble Me!
What secrets from the future do you hold
Teach us amazing abilities.
Only the uncanny ability to have my WoW character names used by Blizzard.
The flavor text on the D3 set was eerily similar to my RP personality.
Ballsvar Foreskraggin’
i need you guys to pour one out for me when they don’t reveal tinker tomorrow
Shall I present a pre-emptive F in the chat, sir?
please and thank you, comrade