Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

Then why are you so fanatical about being able to kick people whose spec you don’t like?

Same here, fellow tank, same here.

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Im not. You are the one that jumped to the conclusion that because they were not a meta spec you saw them as a problem and intended to vote kick them.

So again, why are you gatekeeping them?

Seriously man you need to get over it, yes some people will not be a spec you like, I know you love being able to kick them now.

You still can in RDF it just takes a vote(which is all I pointed out), but only if there are at least two others who hate off specs as much as you do.

Again, you were the one wanting to kick people for not being a meta spec. So stop gatekeeping people.

Yet you are the one bringing up meta specs :thinking:

All I did was mention that RDF has a way to remove players from the group, you are one salivating at the mouth over kicking people in a spec you don’t approve of.

And i will quote you “those problems” is how you referred to those non meta specs then you mentioned vote kick.

But its ok, we get it, you are a gatekeeper.

I never said i would kick them for not being in a spec i approve of. I said if they cant perform their role even after trying to make it work i would kick them.

Right you clearly just like being able to blindly kick people if you don’t like their spec.

You don’t want RDF because it would require at least 2 others in the group to have as strong an aversion to off specs as you do for you to be able to gatekeep those players.

You really should work on your reading comprehension. Also stop gatekeeping people.

Maybe you should take your own advice and show me where I ever said that I kicked people not in the right spec outright.

Then play something else. You are posting on every RDF/Wotlk post complaing about it. Just stop playing :sweat_smile: Blizzard clearly doesnt care

Where is RDF already


This kills leveling dungeons.

I’ve been spamming chat for the past two hours trying to get a hellfire ramparts group on maladath going. Return RDF even if it’s just for normals. The LFG tool doesn’t do jack if there’s no players willing to use it for groups.


I think what you’re not getting is capability.

Even though he was dps talented, he still had the gear and capability to tank.

It’s like if an Arms War has no shield, no defense gear, just dps gear. Unlikely he can tank.

But if he does have defense gear and the capability to tank, nothing’s stopping him.

Can I tank if my two specs are resto/balance? No, I can’t.

That was not the example given thwts what you are not getting.

It was never mentioned if the arms warrior could not tank ir not. Only his spec was mentioned. Not his gear.

And boomkin druid healer was also mentioned in that same example. Which means the healer has somewhat appropriate gear for healing as boomkin gear and healer gear share many stats, just having different stat priorities.

The ability to tank or heal was never mentioned, only the spec. And he jumped to the conclusion of “they cant perform their role kick them” without even considering that they could perform their role, it just wasnt the most meta way of doing it.

If you have the gear for it you can, its just not optimal as you will take more damage and not generate as much threat. But it is very much doable, just not the best option

Right you jumped to the conclusion that spec was the problem and not the ability of the player to perform their role.

It really puts your opinion of RDF in perspective that it seems like your main issue with it is that is would make it harder for you to kick players when you don’t like their spec.


if no players are willing to use it for groups how is rdf going to change that lol? if no players are in the pool to begin with what does it help to make the pool bigger? it seems pretty fair to say at this point they arent going to be doing any sort of cross server stuff in classic wow games so that part of your argument is kind of a moot point. yeah rdf is cool. will u die without it ? no. if you want to level alts so badly then why the rush anyways lol?

If the game gets to the point where there are not 5 people across the entire playerbase that want to do something then that’s fine.

We’re not at that point though.

Because we all know that RDF is effective. The LFG tool can work but it needs baby sitting.

It’s an easy choice to do something else to avoid the baby sitting

now remember we said they arent doing cross server. so entire playerbase is moot point. second, they flat out said in their post that no one at all is willing to use the tool. none at all. so like i said. if they aint there to begin with?