Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

Are you referring to the new role feature which allows classes such as mages, warlocks, or rogues to queue as Healer, Tank or DPS? Or the part where it will randomly switch my role during the dungeon and not allow me to switch back without reloading (which flips threat bar colors). I don’t see how adding this check box that breaks things is very helpful at the moment


Oh can they? I hadn’t noticed that, but you can see the class, so for me at least, that’s not a big deal.

This hasn’t happened to me. I’ve only had it switch roles on me while I’m queued (not while I’m in a dungeon). And as I’ve stated, a simple /reload works fine. I suppose there are some UI bugs that will need to be addressed (perhaps that’s what the maintenance is for today).

I haven’t had any issues with it, but it sounds like you’re having a lot of issues with it. :woman_shrugging:


Using chat and the built in tool is just fine.


lol @ u
Go back to Call of Duty or retail or whatever handhold fest of an online game you usually play.


LMAO @ people crying about the RDF, at least you Americans & Europeans get servers

Stop your crying, you get enough

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I’d like to run dungeons, but I only enjoyed finding groups the way I did back in WotLK in 2009. Standing around staring at the LFG tool and hitting refresh isn’t fun at all. And nobody even talks in the groups anyway. The new tool is totally ineffective at compelling players to socialize, if that was indeed the goal, and so I fail to see how removing RDF has had any sort of positive impact.

If you want people to socialize, I’d start by making the game more enjoyable. Altering the game in a way that causes players to become frustrated with the group-finding process is a great way to ensure that nobody cares enough to socialize.


Looks like there are WAY better games on the market for you my friend. not every game needs to appeal to every person and thats ok! id suggest FFXIV is a FANTASTIC game, lots of socialization AND you can queu for just about everything! you should steer clear of games like GW2 and Classic wow if they dont appeal to you!

never, because blizzard is insanely egotistical when it comes to their decision making. they’ll either not add it, or wait to long and add it at the end of the xpacs life cycle as usual.


That’s okay. I’ll take WotLK as it was. If you want a version of WotLK with a multitude of changes, there are pservers that might fit the bill.


add RDF tyvm


Aww, did my small post that wrecked your fantasy land of anti-RFD being the majority make you big mad?


We continue to iterate on the Random Dungeon Finder style for Wrath

Pay closer attention to the feedback you’re receiving


Either make it like it was originally or simply remove the auto-port aspect of it. They don’t want people doing nothing but sit in dal and just queueing for dungeons like they do for bg’s. Perhaps they should make bg’s like the dungeons. Want to run a bg? Go to the instance portal, wherever it may be for your faction. I do not understand the double standard between pvp and pve here.


they should just remove all zones & only have a system that queues for bg’s & dungeons
that’s what all these retail style players want

So the funny thing, is nope, you won’t. You’ll get all the changes I want, and no option to play the game you want on an official server bc thats what blizzard decided :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: there are pservers for YOU :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::skull::skull::skull:

I’m not even trying to rile you up, like I’m just informing you on the reality of you situation. You have no options. There are games that fit what you’re asking for. Blizzard has given you a big nope.


No sir. I’m inferring that you only want to do raids and dungeons for gear based on what you are saying. You seem to be saying that if Blizzard gave you a faster way to acquire gear, you would take that path. So you want Blizzard to stop you, because you can’t stop yourself.

I raid to be with friends. The reason I like gear is to help overcome the challenges. If my friends stopped playing, I would drop my sub, because I couldn’t care less about “getting gear” if I’m playing with strangers. Gear has absolutely nothing to do with why I play. Gear isn’t why I’m fighting for RDF. But gear seems to be why you are fighting against it.

Really? Because I’m pretty sure you’re assuming that because I said other people prioritize gear that I therefore prioritize gear - which is incorrect. I do need gear to get into raids with those people but I myself don’t prioritize it.

I am saying that if Blizzard made second-class players out of a particular group of people who did not what to use a highly-incentivized system that they’d be behind, yes, and that that would matter to the people who prioritized gear.

I want Blizzard to not treat people differently who accomplish the same goal with a different mean.

That’s good for you but is not the basis for how the game functions. The goal-orientation of this game revolves around gear. Try doing a current content raid with your friends in full questing greens and see how that works out about “not caring less”.

Again, “why I’m against it” is because part of the pain of going to do the dungeon is getting there. Part of the pain is forming the group. The devs took this all into account based on the reward you get from doing the dungeon. RDF is like the episode of The Wild Thornberrys where the Eliza girl gives this bird hunting grubs with a cactus prickle a needle. The bird gorges itself and makes a worse time for everyone else who isn’t using the needle. RDF, same thing.

:rofl: We also want RDF. :rofl:

Holy Jesus how do I remember this episode and show?
Thanks for taking me back LOL.


You literally are though. What happened to you to make you so malicious? Like, I could understand the impulse for this behavior in the opposite situation, where someone who wanted QoL to improve the Classic experience has dealt with being harassed and flooded with toxicity for years and years at this point, and then maybe there’s like an extended period where the “nochanger” crowd is insistent that RDF won’t happen, and then it does, and as a form of catharsis the pro-RDF crowd takes pleasure in rubbing that fact in the faces of the “nochanger” crowd. It wouldn’t make it less juvenile but it would at least be understandable.

But that’s not you. At all. A thing you want is currently slated to be the case, and which you know most people vehemently wish weren’t the case, and you jumped immediately to acting like Eric Cartman with no reason for it. Why? You claim to be a proponent of the social experience of the game and yet you are the person I’ve seen engage in by far the most anti-social behavior on these forums.


Left behind where? Everything is still there. You and your friends can do everything exactly as you like, with or without an RDF in the game. You say you don’t prioritize gear, so you would be fine.

I will believe this once you show me the posts you made regarding PVP queuing, Warlock summons, and summoning stones. Until then, this is empty rhetoric hiding whatever real reason you have for being against RDF, or you are just a troll.

If I have to endure “pain” to play a particular game, I won’t play that game. I’m not a masochist, so “pain” is never a reason I play a game. The ironic thing is that 12 years ago the WoW Devs acknowledged how painful it was to form groups, which is exactly why they created RDF in the first place.

That pain didn’t go away. You can’t convince me the Blizzard “forgot”, so their removal of RDF is basically Blizzard’s way of saying, “if you want to experience the fun parts of this game, you have to suffer as well”. So yeah, Blizzard is saying it, and it’s now in our court as to what decision we make. If the fun parts of the game don’t outweigh the suffering, we’ll see a lot more subs drops. So time will tell.