Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

Bring back #RDF


Bring back #RDF please!


It seems like you are torn. You want gear faster, but want Blizzard to stop you from getting gear faster. Do I have the gist of it?

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100% this.

And also this.

With LFG, I sit in the capitol staring at LFG chat or the LFG addon, and/or am refreshing the LFG too. I’m not playing. I’m not doing quests. I’m not exploring the world. I’m not even running dungeons. I’m literally staring at a chat channel and/or spam refreshing a chat tool.

With RDF, I get to run quite a few more dungeons, which means playing with more players. Getting a chance to make more friends, AND I get to do quests and explore the world while I’m waiting for my dungeon crew to get assembled.

No RDF means I won’t be gearing alts. May not level alts. Will be raid logging pretty quickly into the XPac, not experiencing any of the game Blizzard created OR making life long friends.


just implement the og tool in icc problem solved.


Feedback - Bring back #RDF


Increase server size , noone can wait more than 1 hour to queue this weekend.

Your LFG tool is trash, thanks.


I still believe adding RDF and the achievements it came with back in is better.

There shouldn’t be any changes to Wrath like the ones you guys have considered if what you’re selling is an authentic experience (if you can even call it that anymore).


Okay, I need to settle this once and for all. “We’ve decided that lockouts should be shared between Heroic and Normal versions of the raid, but NOT between 10/25-player versions of the raid. You’ll be able to do both the 10-player and 25-player version of each raid every lockout period but will have to choose between Normal and Heroic for the raids that offer that choice.” Clarify this please.

Does this mean that you can do 25m heroic AND 10m heroic (or 25m normal AND 10m normal) or are you locked into a situation where you have to choose if you want to do 25m heroic and 10m normal or 25m normal and 10m heroic? Are 10m and 25m completely independent or do they share a heroic and normal lockout between them?

LFG is utter garbage and you should feel bad for removing the RDF, please stop wasting peoples time.


Also give us account bound mounts and pets, it is stupidly tedious to grind for stuff your already earned once, dont make us do it on all our alts. Honestly between this and the removal of RDF feels like you are jusy trying to waste people’s time so they keep there subscription going or by the boost yoy are selling.

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Hmm. This is a pretty good example of subjective opinions. I feel like this is a major feature of Classic over Retail. It’s much better Character Identity, imo.

This again, very subjective. It seems to be very useful from my perspective.

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wheres the lie dude?

Hi, back again.
We all gave it a go and even the anti-RDF people are claiming this LFG tool is trash.
Either add RDF or add the Retail version of this tool.
Enough is enough.


I mean its objectively the least functional, most buggy version of lfg i have ever used. The one that was in the game in prepatch was better than the current implementation lol. Not to mention, the current on switches my role from healer to tank randomly so my threat bars get reversed. Very good tool! /s


You assume that the only reason people do raids is gear. Incorrect.

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Yeah, I’ve noticed that here and there. And it tends to hang on loading something… but a /reload seems to resolve those issues.

I guess for me, I’ve listed myself and typically get invited to a group within 1 minute, so I’ve found it to be quite useful. We’ll see how it goes going forward though.

The point is the thing its replacing, it offers no additional useful features to and only introduces bugs lol. What is the terrible implementation?


It has roles, which I don’t think we had for the TBC Classic tool; though we could make mention of our roles in the comments then anyway.

Sure, it’s a little buggy, but at least for me, the issues are easily resolved with a /reload. Since I’ve only been using it on a fresh realm while leveling, it’s been very quick to find groups, and I’ve found that convenient.

I suppose it’s quite possible that the same thing can seem like a terrible implementation to you, and a fine implementation to me; glass half full vs half empty, I guess :milk_glass: