Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

One of the reasons I loved wrath so much was for the RDF, I made so many friends through this feature. I seemed to always find at least 1 person who wanted to continue queuing. I want the complete wrath feel and with this feature not being implemented it doesn’t feel like wrath. Why get us excited about something you know we have wanted for so long just to tell us it’s not going to be exactly what we wanted. We pay to play the game, yet they still don’t listen to what we want. I don’t know why I felt like they would listen this time…silly me.


If you want the full wrath feel then you should be for no RDF for now. RDF didnt come until half way of WOTLK life span.

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Totally a TLDR but idc I AM SOOOOO HYPED to come back to the best expansion I personally EVER played. I love Northrend and I missed it so much. Feels like Christmas for me right now!!

So what? Nothing about it was specific to when it came it. Indeed part of the reason people want it is for dungeons pre wrath altogether.


I can get behind a RDF for old content. Thats fine with me


I know when RDF was implemented, and I played before and after the implementation. Full wrath feel for me is how i remembered it when my guild at the time killed LK… which included the RDF.


Ok then complain about RDF when you are at LK :slight_smile:

No thanks :slight_smile:

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Actually, ive played since alpha. But thanks for your terrible assumption based on no factual evidence.

Ya, my comment was during downtime. LOL I figured it would rear its beautiful head rather quickly once WOTLK prepatch hit

Your claims are based on terrible assumptions. If you were there, then you’d know. You either don’t know or you willfully ignore.


What in blazes are you talking about?


If that’s true then they’re trying to put out a fire with gasoline. The changes they’ve made are going to discourage alts and encourage raid-logging.


When you queue for a dungeon in RDF you go out and farm, or do quests.
If you are DPS and you have to use the current LFG it significantly impacts your time to go out and play in the open world.
The LFG tool requires a huge amount of attention.

It’s amazing you didn’t know that’s how most people used RDF in original Wrath.


Well now that prepatch is out, the feedback is overwhelmingly “this new LFG tool is garbage, where is RDF?”.

So…RDF when?


Please Blizz, as someone who isn’t in their teens/early twenties anymore, I just don’t have the time to find groups manually or using this new tool. Just give us RDF, the new tool is basically a bad version of RDF anyway. There’s clearly a demand for it.


We need RDF YESTERDAY! Are you not adding it RDF because that would take work? Is it laziness? Why did you remove this from WOTLK? I am assuming it is saving you money somehow. Makes no sense otherwise.


Hey Pazorax and the rest of the devs, hope you aren’t too tired of reading all these notes. I know, I know the dungy finder/LFG IS A HOT TOPIC, and that you don’t have plans to change it. I would like to point out that from the architectural design it all sounds fab, but in-game it’s just a weird animal right now. I would like to propose some possible resolutions to the current grouping system:

-Make a permanent LFG channel that shows members +/- 5 levels of the player LFG, so spammers are minimized.

-Please do something about the spammers…this is why the LFG/Dungy finder was awesome, not having to sift through spammers…this is why LFG is currently too difficult.

As you consider these items, if you do have the time to consider them, please take into account that, even in classic (all versions), people are still different sizes and shapes. Some don’t have all the time in the day, chat channel filter skills, or ability to communicate the same languages to find a team in a timely fashion. Most importantly, providing easier or better access to social mechanics like grouping do not require those who do not wish to participate in that fashion to utilize any service. Having extra services available and not needed are better than needing and not having.

Well, I know pre-patch/launching for Wrath must be huge for you guys n gals, so…if you send me a delivery address, I’ll send some pizza or subway platter (your choice)!

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First, Blizz is selling a level 70 boost and letting player skip a huge part of the game.

Secondly, dungeon finder lets players experience dungeons they never would if not for RDF. So, you’re completely wrong. Blizz spends all this development on dungeons and then they’re completely barren later on because no one is running them anymore. But they would if RDF existed.


every single poll done about rdf has been overwhelmingly in favor of RDF. I believe there’s a couple 10000 and 28000 people polls that are floating around—which is a very good sample size for the classic playerbase.

And just anecdotal alone—every single person I’ve asked in-game is either shocked and confused they’re taking out RDF, or pissed off and sad that its being removed from wrath. about 60 folks I’ve asked with a 100% desire for rdf lol