Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

and that type of behaviour is what they are trying to reduce.

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I turned it off since they removed RDF. I have no interest in being forced to socialize and I don’t do dungeons for the socialization. Its stupid that it will take more time to find/form a group for Wrath heroics than it will to actually complete them.



I’m a fan of RDF. The big knock on it seems to be that it in some way “promotes anti-social behavior”. I call bullsh*t. FFXIV has this functionality baked into every single fiber of the game it seems. And it’s wonderful! It works amazingly well and I never once had any kind of negative social experience in hundred if not thousands of runs, both single group and raid encounters. It’s not the tool…it’s the people. And you can’t social engineer bad behaviors out of bad people in a game. Please stop trying to do that. If people don’t like it, they don’t have to use it. But you’re punishing the people that DO want to use it…and not giving them any choice in the matter. At least in the opposite use-case, the people that hate it can CHOOSE not to use it if they like. Honestly Bliz, you guys goofed up on this decision imho.

Second, I warmly welcome WotLK Classic! BUT…we’re going to have to have some real heart-to-heart discussions about Cata Classic pretty soon! I VERY MUCH like the direction Holly and the Classic team are going in making changes to the Classic game experience where needed. Smart, well-planned in most cases, and solidly executed. That said, you’re going to need to really dive into the deep end to salvage Cata and beyond. I honestly don’t know if Cata and MoP CAN be saved. Seriously. For many people, myself included, these 2 expansions completely and totally killed my love for WoW. I literally shut down all my accounts like the week before MoP launched. Learn from the mistakes of the past! Endeavor to fix the systems and gameplay decisions that ruined the game for a lot of people. Do that, and I’m confident you’ll see a resurgent WoW Classic player base that rivals or even surpasses retail!


What ignorance.


it encourages people to work together, rather than just leave a dungeon and finding a new one due to the amount of time it takes.


well, then it will discourage you from abandoning a run after 1 wipe and spending 5 minutes in queue because you spend an hour making a new group. double edged sword that is

If LFR was around in classic, I would have been able to do at least on MC for the first time, ever…

Coming from someone that has been playing since vanilla.

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Tell me you didn’t use RDF in OG Wrath, without telling me. If you leave an RDF group you get a deserter debuff just like leaving a BG early. Without RDF I am even more inclined to leave a failed group because there is no penalty.


No it encourages me to only do groups with my guild. The rest of the time I will just run laps around Dalaran until they can do dungeons with me!


15 minutes was a lot better than spamming guild and lfg for 3 hours. Plus you get the server title of “This guy just leaves dont run with him”. It improves the community

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I play on a mega server, I don’t remember the last time I saw the same person a second time outside of my guild…


So then Blizzard was right? You don’t want it to be the way it was? “You think you do but you don’t” was correct?

How about you give a response to the oceanic region that you guys are completely ignoring & mistreating?


Being unable to run ToC 25 and ToC 25 heroic in the same week prevents you from actually gearing up towards heroic mode.

It is a bad design choice every time you eliminate CHOICE.

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someone already has one, they were showing off screenshots in another thread… it wasn’t perfect and it’s limited due to api… but it sort of works decent.

Nope, it brought people back into what was being ignored. If you played back then. You’d have known that finding groups for old was deader than TBC.


oce fresh server now or your gonna loose 200+ subs pay attention

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it’s well over 200+, there are close to a thousand in threads alone, many stating they were planning on coming back, many who advised they had friends & ex guildies planning the same

A massive silent amount who would never come to these boards
They would be losing thousands of subs


"We continue to iterate on the bulletin-board style Looking for Group tool, and we do not have plans to add the Random Dungeon Finder. " That’s terrible honestly, whos running to a dungeon when all of our nostalgia to the expansion came from that LFG tool. Way to miss the mark.


At least it’s clear now why they moved all the Pro RDF posts and probably anti RDF posts into the TBCC forums now…

They nuked them so now the problem is gone!