Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

Doesnt mean someone wont make it better. Someone always does what blizzard cant/wont

SNORT! Ya right.

The point is Blizzard did do it already. Over a decade ago. And current Blizzard has undone it.


Do you remember 2 weeks of “Instance is full, transfer aborted” Sure they did it…badly. Someone else will do it better with the ability to block out people you dont want to run with

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95% of this “Feedback” thread is people saying bring back #RDF and somehow they still haven’t caught on lol actually unbelievable


95% is 1% of the pbase

I’ve pbased before. We are not the 1%

Easy report for trolling

2 way street. we just met headon.

Classic has far more than 500 users. This is like…we polled 10 people and from that determined 90% of the population agrees with us!

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No random dungeon finder is strait up trolling, and you guys should be ashamed of yourself. All you had to do was nothing, and you couldnt stick the landing. Prepatch pvp interest broke the servers for TBC? Divide by 10, problem solved. Tank and heal shortage made into a nightmare scenario by everyone fleeing dead servers to megaservers? No rdf now they will all be the tank and heals herp derp.
God forbid you like to play dps characters, and I hope people enjoy trying to manage dailies without the rdf teleporting. You cant spend your entire focus in tbc making sure that it didnt get too popular and then turn around and be like “for the community, we are limiting your gameplay! but dont worry we agreed not to ruin duelspec too”. Reckless server transfer options were the swiftest driver of server collapses, especially while you ensured that cross engagement for pvp/pve was non viable with the entire expansion having 59 bracket AV nerf level of honor.

Stop doing things you think are a good idea, and just try to do nothing. RDF is a must, you have to reconsider this if your expecting to actually maintain players long enough to get dragonflight curiosity sales. Secondly, has there been any real justification for RDF being murdered other than “muh community”?


No. No. No. And again, no.

Yes. Yes. Yes. And again, yes.


Experience what they spend millions on developing, not just 2% of the content. RDF made people ignore 98% of the game, and never should have been a thing.


Its also harder on bots.

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Now I get to ignore 98% of the game if I want to do dungeons outside my guild by staring at this new tool constantly refreshing it?


If that’s what you choose to do. :rofl:

Why would you do that? I ran 12 dungeons yesterday without rdf. and made friends at the same time. Then i finished up Hellfire, and 3/4 of zangarmarsh. It’s amazing how much of the world you will see if you step outside the inn and open your visor.


I haven’t ran a dungeon in weeks…just waiting for launch so I can get to max level and do heroics with my guild to get pre-raid. At that point I will pretty much just raid log or use the PVP RDF. I don’t even have party chat turned on anymore at this point.