Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

If I’m reading this right, the only raid this will change is ToC. The T7 and T8 raids don’t have heroic mode (hard modes have to be done with the normal lockout if you’re doing them.) ICC originally shared the lockout between normal and heroic. (You could swap difficulties per boss, I’m not sure if that will stay the same and be added to ToC.)

If I’m being honest, ToC was the only time that I really felt there were too many lockouts to do each week. (I had to drop alt raids for my sanity.) Now, I think an argument could be made that ToC was a unique situation as a raid with no trash and a fair amount RP for each boss which made doing 4 lockouts per character per week really tedious. (And there are effectively 4 lockouts in retail these days that seem to work just fine.) But, given that ToC is the only Wrath raid that actually had separate normal and heroic lockouts, and ToC is the problem raid, it’s hard to find myself upset with this change.

I think that having 10 and 25 separate is really the more important thing for preserving how things felt in Wrath.


Then that part of the community could just stand in solidarity and just not use the LFG tool. Raise your hands as one as you smite down those evil people who want to que for a instance while running dailies, farming for their professions, or doing other things at their desks while waiting for that evil sound alerting them to the perversions and debaucheries just a “sinful” click away!


I thought you said you were making friends and running dungeons with them. So if you are all not using RDF, I still don’t see how it matters how fast you gear. Are you saying your friends will ditch you if RDF is available and you choose not to use it?


so guilds can run 25man main raid with their characters and split sell boosts through gdkp in 10mans in same week, since 10mans are Joke, what a nice feature for selling raid boosts, then maybe blizzard will add tokens to help buyers get safe gold.

faction balance is hopeless case and was destroyed by milking money out of paid server transfer so good idea milking more money with faction / race change.

why allow people to level fast or get easy groups, or even play the game, boosting money is important than the players.

rejoice arena buyers/boosters


Someone will make a RDF addon that populates out of game through an app. Be a genius idea!


Good job, you didn’t listen or do anything to the LFG tool after all this time. :joy:
Literally a worse version of the current TBC tool. Jeeeesus.


What keeps my hopes alive is “it could be worse”. You know. Somehow.

I’d use it lmao

You lost your right to complain the day you started WOW.

Can any of you big brain addon creators get on this please!

as long as people can filter specs/class/gearscore (or ppl will just get paired then kicked)

Correct, but I can’t control how other people think. Other people want better gear while it might not matter to me.

Well, Blizzard already made that system…back in 2009. And 2022 Blizzard decided to remove it.

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Not true. These forums are for containment. The land of the complaint. Here there be beefs!

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They will sell tons of boosts regardless. I understand y’all want RDF but honestly some of the logic you come up with jesus

“we”. I’m glad there’s no RDF but I will say the new tool is literally worse than the TBC one

I’ve never seen such whininess. They act like the entire game is doing dungeons 24/7 until the expansion is over and blizzard just stopped them from ever playing the game, it’s ridiculous.

not when it gets spammed in every thread

Self restraint.

Agreed 100% bring back RDF why they keep ruining classic we aren’t going to go play your rubbish retail expansions even if you ruin classic intentionally we will just quit your game altogether