[WrA] <Life> LFM! - 10 Years Old - 13x CE's - 9 Hrs/Week - No Forced Bench - 3/8M - LF Evokers!

Still searching!

Still searching!

Still searching!

Still searching!

Still searching!

Still searching!

Still searching!

Still searching!

Hi I know your looking for more recruits but I’m here for another reason to ask if I could join your guild via Alt for a Battle Pet. I heard that you guys have the guild achievement Challenge Warlords: Gold - Guild and I want to get the Deathwatch Hatchling battle pet.

I understand my request may be silly but that achievement is no longer obtainable dew to the Gold Challenge mode no longer existing. If you would like to help me out please reply to my message I would hate to go around asking in other servers outside of my own for this.

Sure, add me at Myst#1683

((If you somehow come across this post in the future, you can still add me and I’ll invite you to my guild to get the pet. I offered the opportunity to someone today, 6/4/2021.))

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Still searching!

Still searching!

Trying to apply if you have room for a demon hunter. The website isn’t working for me though

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Sorry about the website. Unfortunately we’re full on Demon Hunters at the moment. :frowning:

Still searching!

Still searching!

Still searching!

Still searching!

Still searching!

Still searching!