Guild Name: Concourse of the Phoenix
Description: How hard is it to build and operate a Dimensional Ship (Spaceship) in WoW? VERY HARD! You need to have skilled people in multiple branches of work and study, work through adventures to make enough gold to buy materials, research what lost artifacts can be helpful to the cause!
Races Allowed: All, Horde and Alliance.
Leader(s): Captain Centari Souli
Who to Contact: Centari or Elissreaux In-game or Uranu5#1965 Btag
RP/PVP/PVE?: RP and PvE Dungeons (Mythic Plus)
Requirements: TRP3 and Discord!
Currently Seeking: Desperate need of an Engineering Admin, Mystics (Magical Scholars) Admin, and Champions (Adventurers) Admin.
Most Active Playtime: 6pm Server (9pm EST)
Forum Post: [H/N-RP-PvX] Concourse of the Phoenix> LFM! 💫 - #11 by Centari-wyrmrest-accord