WrA Information & Directories (Guilds | Communities | Events)

Guild Name: :fire: Firebrand Enterprises :fire:

Description: A Horde based Venture Capitalist company with assets in the defense, research & development, technology, and commerce sectors.

Races Allowed: All, We are an equal opportunity employeer.

Leader(s): V and Ashagar Firebrand.

Who to Contact: V Firebrand (Veendell in game), Tamani Tightclamps (Tamanii in game), Narkyssa Da’Eryth (Narkyssa in game).

RP/PVP/PVE?: Our primary focus is Roleplaying, although we do regularly schedule PvE content and even non-WoW activities like Steam games and movie streaming. We vary anywhere between half a dozen to a dozen scheduled events of all kinds per week.

Requirements: We ask that our members be at least 20 years of age, mature and respectable in their conduct, and able to attend at least one event a month.

Currently Seeking: We’re looking for a variety of character types and players who’re interested in not just telling their own story, but collaborating with others to help flesh theirs out as well.

Most Active Playtime: Between 12pm and 10pm server time.

Forum Post: 💰[H-RP] Firebrand Enterprises is Hiring!

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