Guild Name: Blood Brothers
Faction: Horde
Description: While still a bit on the new side, Blood Brothers was formed by a group of friends looking to return to the raiding scene. To say that our core members are seasoned and experienced is an understatement! We’re not looking to bust out Mythic content or anything, just casually roam through Heroic and hopefully at least obtain some AotC achieves.
Races Allowed: Any
Leader(s): Varuhanu/Rorl, Gulmintoth/Kroblix
Who/How to Contact: Generally Varuhanu or Rorl, but most guildies can direct you towards an officer.
RP/PVP/PVE?: While we’re mainly a casual PvE guild, we’re not opposed to some light RP as well. Just no RP events, sadly.
Requirements: Max level characters are preferred, Discord required, as well as raiding addons such as DBM.
Currently Seeking: We’re in pretty dire need of, well, everyone! Melee and ranged DPS, healers especially, and an off-off tank for Friday nights only, who can then swap to DPS/heals for Saturday nights.
Most Active Playtime: Most of our members start drifting online in the evening (for them), around 2:30pm server time. Fridays and Saturdays are when raids are held and M+ runs on Thursdays.
Forum Post: [H/PvE] <Blood Brothers> recruiting for casual raiding! - #2 by Rorl-wyrmrest-accord