WrA Information & Directories (Guilds | Communities | Events)

Event Name: Reforge
Faction/Neutral: Horde
Event Hosts: Noslferatu
Days and Time: Saturday 21st, 8pm server, WM off
Location: Deathknell, current
SHORT Description: Come and help the Lordaeron reclamation venture by assisting us in using the resources we collected from the previous events to renovate the forge in Deathknell. Players will get to leave their mark which will exist for the duration of the series. We are currently holding voting for the set up of what players will work on. Please visit the link.
Event Ad Link: [H-RP Event] Reforge Deathknell

Event name: Sepulcher hangout
Faction: Horde
Event host: Noslferatu
Date & Time: 19th & 25th, 7:30pm server, WM off
Location: Sepulcher
Short description: Come to the Sepulcher to hang out with your fellow Forsaken. This is just an opportunity to do what we like to do away from all the fools in Orgrimmar and in a darker location than Silvermoon.
Event ad link: [H-RP: Events] Ring of the Deathknell

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