Wpvp darkshire

Percival, tank, zex, taen and some lowbie Tauren that was saying peacecraft all the time…vs 6-7 alliance mostly from nerzhul…

It was some relentless fighting I’d be here all day trying to describe half off it…

Those guys from nerzhul…specifically the void elf mage…if you read this, are saltier than the Morton salt isle in your local grocery store…

You guys got a good whooping and had to retreat back to darkshire and hit the roof tops to recruit more bodies…you had the numbers advantage the whole time…yet you retreated.

After that percival logged onto his shaman and there was another smaller fight in darkshire town with Rydia the darkshire frost mage!

That was a blast seeing all you guys out there!


Not to mention far better healing AND a demon hunter. There was a lot of Thalassian talk that elixirs of tongues couldn’t help with. I think there was at the most 8, so they outnumbered us 2:1.

I remember when I used to be that salty, and so does Pepperidge Farms. It’s ironic that at least one of us was an Alliance mainer who tried to come back to PvP for them in 8.0. I think it’s very obvious which faction actually won the war.

The fighting went really well, and I’m thankful I had the opportunity to WPvP with Perci and Heretic. I was wanting to flex MM spec capabilities in the field in a team setting for the longest time, even for the Alliance once upon a time. Now it would soon be time to do dueling. I’m not finished with S3 yet, and there’s a certain Malygosian I want QQ’ed!


I had a blast! Both on the elf and the dwarf. :cowboy_hat_face: Noing like some good old wpvp to get you pumped.:cowboy_hat_face:


I saw all of you online at Duskwood last night and figured that you all were up to some shenanigans there :grinning:

I will join next time .!!


You missed out on some action. It would have been great to have you out there.

The enemy was already seeing double…they claimed we had more than a handful…had you been there they would have claimed we had a raid.


Most definitely a blast. I died more than I would have liked but to be expected when 2 DHs, ret, rogue and mage targets me.

I found it hilarious they were seeing double of us. Guess the only way they could cope with such a beating was to pretend we were a small raid :joy::rofl::joy:


Yea you are the prime target, if they let you free cast they are doomed. We gave their Druid hell…even with the mobility she had.


I enjoy the fights in Darkshire, when you guys show up it’s fun stuff vs when people just gank and run away. XD


Lol I recall saying your name over voice…get that poussay!

I think you where on roof tops for a bit.

I love going out there and having these random encounters…in fact blizz should make darkshire a bg instance!


D: ive been sitting in Nazj… alone … for 3 hrs… Y . Y

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Sounds like a date?!

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Shoot a btag invite Dustin#1859, you’ll never have to be in nazj alone again. :cowboy_hat_face:

What can I say I have a thing for the undead avatars. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Certainly, im not a Lady though. xD


you a thot?

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Coming from a Kul Tiran i would say, lets go and get some KFC mah dude.


Oh…ohhhh…:sweat_smile: editing post to say avatar. :rofl:
If your on tonight we all will have to do a little ganking in Nazj. :cowboy_hat_face:


Me I’ll take dwarf female avatars!

Edit: lmao I just remembered a lowbie female kultiran with a bikini on in darkshire dancing with me and flirting…when all of a sudden she did that knock back on me and sent me flying…I was like YES! /cheer!!

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Count ME IN! 10 chars.


Saw you and rydia out there today…sad panda I was on my rogue. Let’s just say the rogue took many dirt naps!


Somos pocos pero locos :wink:

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