This topic has been closed since we do not allow discussion of disciplinary actions on the forum (Forum Code of Conduct). If anyone feels they have received a penalty that is inaccurate, they may file a support ticket to appeal that decision.
However, I’ve moved this thread over to the Customer Support forum since this is more of a Customer Support topic and I also want to clarify some of the misconceptions and misinfortmation presented in this topic.
There’s nothing really spooky about this. It’s the predictable result of using inappropriate language in-game. This includes, but is not limited to, directed insults towards other players in Battlegrounds and inappropriate language in public chat channels.
I don’t know anyone who believes this or attempts to present that as fact. We know toxicity is a problem in online communities across the internet and Blizzard games, including World of Warcraft, are not immune. That’s why there were focused development efforts towards improving our anti-toxicity systems in 9.1.5 - including improvents to /ignore, and better communication/transparency around right-click reports.
Without going into specific details, I can share that the severity of the penalty is the result of the history of the account. Since there have been multiple chat penalties in the past, the penalty for new verified reports will continue to increase up to and including permanent account closure.
For reference, the In-game Code of Conduct that guides our decisions can be found on our support website: