Wowhead on SL alts

The only thing I’m really struggling to get for my alt is the Conduits. I did a lot of the content on my main, but I want to PvP primarily on my alt. It’s kinda sucks how the conduits aren’t 100% droprate.

Its better then BfA and Legion in terms of alts. I completely disagree that this is the “most alt friendly” expansion ever as every expansion before Legion was much better on alts.

WoD - only alt grind was the legendary ring, which wasn’t that bad actually.

MoP - Legendary cloak grind wasn’t fun on alts, but it was gated behind rep so you weren’t forced to do it all at once. And really it was only necessary on the last patch in its final form, a lot of people didn’t get it at all even then.

Prior expansions - literally just a gear grind, this is the definition of alt friendliness. You just played the game for the content you wanted to do

I mean I have the alt experience you don’t.

Pve gearing is super easy with covenant gear. You fill empty slots with pvp trinkets and jewelry

the biggest reason why i consider this expansion alt-unfriendly: they took away my Loot-A-Rang from all 15 of my level 1 engineers.

I believe the only “alt friendliness” is the ability to skip out on time gating renown and conquest caps… which I believe has no place in the game anyways.

Not even close to being alt friendly, everything wowhead chimed in on is right on point and many of the “I am quitting” threads all complain of things they chimed in on.

It’s funny because wowhead’s entire business model relies on Blizzard’s product… so when they take the time to supply “constructive criticism” (:poop:) to the product, seems things aren’t looking great. Perhaps even their site traffic is noticeably lower?

Same here, except I have 3 alts 60 and stop with 2 others at 56 and 58, because I know what awaits at 60. :roll_eyes:

All I know is there NEEDS to be an anima catch up system. Without it, as far as I’m concerned BFA was infinitely more alt friendly.