[WoW8.3] Fuzzy Graphics / FPS Drop

This thread is intended for Fuzzy Graphics and FPS drops. If you are experiencing these issues, please refer to this post.

For the Mac Crashes, stuttering, or freezing issues, please refer to this thread to continue the discussion. These issues are completely different from the fuzzy graphics issue.

This works! Thank you so much. The fuzzy graphics was bothering me.

I have MacBook Pro 2018
macOS Catalina

I managed to fix the graphics due to helpful directions/ tips from this thread. However whenever I’m in the game/raids/dungeons, my Mac freezes up EVERY few seconds. So its honestly a gamble when I play. Several times it actually crashed and forcibly shut down my Mac. This NEVER happened (this extreme and frequently) in patch 8.2. I just hope this gets resolved soon because I am unable to progress in the game.

MacBook Pro 2018 Touch Bar
macOS Catalina

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Any chance you could apply this to classic? I’m tired of being forced to change my display resolution to from 5k to 2k every time I want to play.

I see, this is exactly what I encountered. My character looked the same, but all the text and UI elements were blurry. I upped my resolution to compensate which caused me to drop fps.

When you up the resolution to match the max of your display, you’ll usually have to lower the resolution scale to compensate. Resolution scale only affects the rendered game world, so the UI will stay at full resolution. So, play with the resolution scale until you find the right balance of how the world looks vs. framerate.


Gotcha, thanks!

Dude same. It’s becoming really hard to play now after the patch hit

My Game worked fine the first days but with the first “update/fix” it started crashing my whole computer and I’m a Windows user. I changed and tried all interface options and all directx, still need to reboot my pc to make it work again. It just happens with WoW.

It would be helpful for those of us who work at Apple Inc to take photos of the problem you consider “fuzzy”. Taking in-game screenshots won’t help but if you take a picture of your screen (sans glare) and post on ImgUr I can promise someone will look at it.

Just from a cursory glance at this thread though it looks like everyone with this problem is using a Radeon RX-580’ish card. I have a Black Magic eGPU here with a Radeon Pro 580 - I will download 8.3 retail and see if I can see the same thing you guys are seeing but I can’t make any promises since I’m on a development branch of Catalina and using an Apple Pro Display. Will update post when I download retail and check.


Cannot reproduce on my machine(s) that I have available with Radeon 580, Radeon Pro 580 or like video cards. I even tried an eGPU setup with a Corsair Razer V2 and a Sapphire RX-580.

Well, I am only having FPS issues. My character’s casting is all messed up and looks like it’s stuttering at times. Is there a fix for this? I never had this issue UNTIL 8.3 dropped.

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That’s the worst part about this. I can’t even escape to another in game location and level an alt because this patch just broke everything

yeppers , i am having the same issue freezes in raid causing me to die to mechanics because i freeze for 1 -2 seconds … i went from 150 fps average to 65 now and drop to 10 FPS during keys on bosses and mild trash pulls im fed up and no response from blizz


I have also noticed a 20-30 fps drop since the patch. Running a mid 2017 MacBook Pro on Radeon Pro 560 graphics. Only setting it to a graphics quality of 1 gets it to a consistent 50 fps. (And setting it to use the integrated Intel graphics chip just straight out crashes/freezes the game.)

works for me too, thank you!

Eh, heh.

Typically the blurry or “fuzzy” look comes from
One major thing, the resolution of the display, and the people who are seeing it the most are using an 5K iMac or something like a LG UltraFine display.

The problem doesn’t happen you play the game at 5K (5120x2880) at 100% render scale. The game will look super crips and sharp, but typically depending on the hardware of the machine you will see a huge FPS dip because you are running it at 5K. If you adjust the render scale down, well that starts to make it more blurry, so the only other way to improve your FPS and keep the crips sharp look is to lower the graphic settings.

When you adjust it to let’s say half, 2560x1440 and keep the render scale at 100% the game just looks blurry/fuzzy and it is no longer crips or sharp anymore, but you typically get a huge FPS boost because you are running it at a much lower resolution.

What is funny, is if I play at 2560x1440 @ 100% render, all settings set to 10/ultra, and just press down on my left mouse button, and hold the button down, everything goes super sharp and crisp, if I release the mouse button, blurry again. Strange.

Not sure if that helps.

The resolution scale slider only affects the game world, not the UI. And the biggest offender for fuzziness is the UI. So, setting the game to full display resolution and turning down the resolution scale tends to get the best results. From there, it’s up to the individual user to find the right magic of game settings and resolution scale to get the game world looking the best it can at an acceptable fps.

actually I disagree, the game looks very fuzzy as well when you zoom in on things, you can clearly see the difference between when it looks sharp and crisp vs when it looks all fuzzy. It is not just the UI.

Worked! thank you

My iMac is also from 2015 but i have this iMac 3 years now and with SL-Beta i get disconnect after a few minutes but i saw that i was not the only one who was disconnect at the same time many other players were also disconnected today and the iMac is (retina 5K, 27 inch , late 2015) processer is 3,3 GHz Intel core i5 memo 32 GB 1867 MHz DDR3 , videocard AMD radeon R9 M395X 4 GB .

[Edited by Blizzard] This thread has been inactive for some time. Please be mindful of resurrecting older threads. A new or more recent thread can be created to continue the discussion. Locking this thread.