Thats the only instance I can find. And since its just 1 example (most the comments are saying theirs sold in the normal 2hours) it could just be a bug in that sense.
The fact that 99.9% of people who bought tokens, had them sell. This is only the case if one of 2 are to be true.
There’s always more buyers then sellers or
Blizzard buys the surplus tokens, to ensure a sale.
Considering you’re limited to a certain amount you can get in a time period and the fact that tokens arent at a price worth selling them for currently of course 99% of them are gonna sell. You still got millions of players playing the game and with how easy it is to farm the 150k for game time or blizzard balance then if only 50 tokens on are the market then all 50 will be bought up.
A years worth of subscription is 1.8 million right now. Thats 12 tokens for less than 2 million gold which you can make not even farming hard in less than a month.
They actually make it so you get the money automatically on this without another player? In old school runescape they didn’t and I’ve never seen their equivalent to tokens struggle to get sold.
Bottom line is you have zero proof every token is not used for either blizzard balance or game time. I would bet the blizzard balance addition was to support this. No they are not creating gold so unless you find a blue post that says they do you are just conspiracy theorizing.
The token was aimed to combat the gold sellers and it did a great job of doing so. The 5 million mount is a gold sink that would be in the game without the tokens because the inflation that came from mission board in WoD was something Blizzard wasnt prepared for. I never came close to 100k prior to the mission board and by the end of WoD I have 4.7 million without buying a token to sell.
Gold sellers still exist. They just police them better since they compete with them. Read my “dream” earlier.
Again, if you think Activision isn’t profiting off the tokens you need help.
They don’t care about our ingame economy. If they can hyper inflate it and get their stock to rise 5%, they will. In. A. Heartbeat.
Remember, this is the same company that has been successfully sued in other countries for gambling “clever mechanics”. They don’t care about ingame economies. It’s what translates to the real world.
I think you’re just being a conspiracy theorist. If Blizzard/Activision were to be profiting off of tokens then the price for the token wouldn’t be where its at right now where its not worth the $20 to sell for them 150,000. Prior to the token the gold sellers got so cocky that there would be floating corpses in the capital cities with their website name. After the tokens you never even see an advertisement for them on retail.
Your entire position is predicated on two things. The the token isn’t going to be sold for the gold that it produced. And that the gap time in that transaction somehow will increase the long term gold supply in the market.
Your model is cute but honorably flawed
If the market was static then you would be right. It’s not so you are still wrong. If it took a day to correct or reset prices you would be correct. It does not so you are still wrong. If people blindly paid $20 gold and never paid attention to market fluctuation you would be right. They do so you are still wrong.
Is it because no one has used the term “diminishing returns” that you are still stuck on this?
The gold you get for the token is taken from someone who paid that amount for the Game Time. Its Supply and Demand. There’s actually been a few times (specifically around big things where people exchange gold for balance) where players aren’t buying enough of them to sell and the market literally runs out of Tokens making the price increase. Ask players that buy a lot of tokens and they can probably tell you a time they’ve seen the Auction House be sold out.
The point about deleting and copying rather than moving is just a computer engineering thing. To “move” something from one memory location to another, you copy it, then delete the original.
They’re a for profit company so obviously they are. That has absolutely nothing to do with them buying up unbought tokens to create the illusion of a player to player transaction.
Are you serious? This is Activision we’re talking about.
If I buy a token and it doesn’t sell, I can complain about it and they can make gold for me. At a certain point, I could say they swindled me.
The normal laws of scarcity don’t apply to video games.
If they told the court my 20$ purchase wasn’t bought on the back end (so it couldn’t be fulfilled), attorneys would say they’re cheating me because they can give everyone 1billion gold without any recourse. And Blizzard already got the $20 so I’m entitled to what I bought.
Everyone knows they can do this. The fact that they can give everyone unlimited gold still is not proof that they’re buying unbought tokens. So far I have provided one source of someone whos token went unsold for 4 days. Show me one source that shows that blizzard will buy your token if a player does not.
I don’t understand what is so hard to comprehend about what your’e saying. It makes perfect sense.
I’ll try to make it easier in case they just can’t understand paladin speak.
You have a lemonade stand. You are told by mom that for every lemon you buy, she’ll guaruntee you that you’ll make at least 25 cents off of each sale. She locks in your sale price of 25 cents per lemon. You start selling lemonade. People start offering to pay more. Is that extra money yours? Nope, you’ve agreed to the 25 cents a lemon quota, and any extra mom just takes and burns in front of you.