Apparently you don’t know who Ythisens is, or what that Blue text means?
No it doesn’t. It appears to happen, but Blizzard is taking money from one player, and removing it from the game, while adding it to the economy on the other side. It’s an illusion.
Lets put it this way.
If I bought 1,000,000 tokens to sell for gold, they would all sell in 24hours
Are you telling me, theres players buying 1,000,000 tokens from 1 person every day? What if I bought 10,000,000 tokens? They still would all sell in 24hours.
How is it I’m guaranteed, that all 10millions of my tokens will sell out?
You are limited to 10 per week.
Great response. But you avoided the question.
What if me and my buddies got 1,000 accounts and each bought 10 to sell (my Uncle Bezos is helping). They’re still guaranteed to sell in 24hours.
How is that so?
Because you cant list all of them at the same time - for every single toekn listed you reduce the price of the next liosted one.
160k for the first one you list - by the time you got to the last the tokens would be listing for 1g.
We got a Blue post explaining Tokens, stop the fake news. Anti-tokeners are starting to behave like anti-vaxxers now.
But they’re still all listed and still will all sell. Do you see how I could always have a token for sell that will always sell in the end. This means that’s there’s always a buyer that’s ready to buy my token.
If me and those other 1,000 accounts list a token every time we can, they’ll always sell regardless if people are buying them or not.
And mind you if players see a drop in token prices the usually buy them out.
You gold you get comes from player earnt gold - its only fabricated in the transaction itelf - for every single copper thats fabricated to you - its removed from the player buying it.
But why did all my tokens that were listed for 300k+ gold sell? I know others were selling them too and making tons of gold.
Was there someone buying all those tokens up at the most expensive price they could pay?
The auction house can be empty and no one can buy tokens.
It can also be flooded with tokens, but they still ALL SELL.
Because people use those tokens for bnet balance and gametime. There are players with hundreds of millions of gold. Let that sink in for a moment
There’s more players buying gold then neckbeards buying time
Keep playing the White knight for Blizzard though.
If you told everyone not to buy tokens, and they listened, the listed tokens would still be sold by the system.
There’s not some player making sure all the tokens are bought up. That’s Blizzard making sure you get gold for your cash.
If I listed a token and the servers went down for 24hours, my token would still be sold when I came back online.
^ This. One of the biggest “grinds” of Vanilla was gold and should stay that way for the “Vanilla” feel. If tokens start being used in Classic, then there goes the market along with making it easy mode. Free Naxx attunement instead of grinding the rep or gold to buy it since you can use real money for the gold part, epic mounts now easily bought, etc.
Retail it was a great idea imo to get rid of gold farmers and I know they are here in Classic, but I don’t see them as much and I think people don’t risk their accounts on them as they wised up.
Gold sellers are already ruining the classic community. What you should be asking is for players to not want to buy gold and go farm it.
Cause that will work. I don’t get though why people would even want to buy from them. They will have their credit card info and people who sell gold I wouldn’t trust at all with my info let alone, Blizzard can see things like this where someone gives someone a ton of gold out of the blue.
I guess on my server though, I don’t see many gold farmers since the population seems to have dropped a lot since launch when there used to be a queue.
People are already buying gold on classic by paying for a token in retail. The mentality is already there. People are also buying gold from goldsellers.
Both of these things already ruin the economy. Especially on my server where a a million gold retail will get you 200g in classic. Thats 5-6 tokens worth. $100-$120 AUD fro 200g. Absurd.
If this was true then ZF GY farming wouldn’t exist and DM solo tribute runs along with boss farming with duos wouldn’t be flooding the economy with gold.
Even in a casual guild like mine, no mages are poor. No hunters are poor. The gold grind only exists for classes that cannot solo well and for tanks this was solved by selling orbs and reserving.

Cause that will work. I don’t get though why people would even want to buy from them. They will have their credit card info and people who sell gold I wouldn’t trust at all with my info let alone, Blizzard can see things like this where someone gives someone a ton of gold out of the blue.
Disclaimer," I dreamt" I’ve bought gold in the past already disciplined for it. Here’s what I found out.
It’s a very small minority of players actually purchasing the gold. Maybe but a handful of other players have I met during the years have actually bought gold too, one guy sold it on a small server.
What happened when I got caught, dreaming of course, was nothing but a slap on the wrist. I even dreamt I got caught buying gold when tokens were available because the gold sellers had way better conversion.
I didn’t lose my gold, I didn’t get a suspension. Just got a warning and told not to do it again. Weird dream.
In this dream, I bought gold for like 8 years. Never got hacked nothing.
Fast forward to today on Retail, gold buying/selling is accepted and widely practiced. It’s why every pug run is for sale because if you don’t have the gold “Buy a token dude.”
Hindsight is 20/20 eh? Let’s maybe stop advocating for things so aggressively when we don’t even know what they do