Wow tokens purchased for $20 from battlenet are not 1:1 ratio

If you get the gold from AH upon putting it up there and the gold from the person buying it gets deleted from the game, then it balances out.

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No. You don’t get the gold until your token sells on the AH. That’s how it works in retail.

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If WoW tokens can both inject gold into and delete gold from the economy based on the market, then what’s the point of adding them to classic? Is it being sold as a way to reduce the gold inflation, or is it being sold as something to sell to classic players because they’ve all migrated away from retail and therefore away from the retail cash shop?

I don’t know how the addition of WoW tokens to classic can viewed as anything other than moving the cash shop over to classic. It’s a violation of what players wanted in classic. I can only imagine what a classic cash shop could offer in the name of convenience. Imagine purchasing a mass loot feature, or a guild bank feature, a pet tab feature. Virtually all of the QoL changes injected into the game since vanilla could be offered up as a QoL mtx through the classic cash shop. Hey, it’s not directly buying power, so what’s the issue?

Let them add the tokens and watch how quickly it cascades into a cash shop that turns classic into garbage equal to the trash we see in retail.

Yes i know. However, if no one buys your token, blizzard does. It sells regardless. You get your gold every single time you put a token on without fail.

Indirectly selling epic mounts basically.

Mounts are purchased in game for gold.

Check even in time guilds will be selling Zulian Tiger and Raptor runs for gold.

Players who’re effectively incapable of getting in game progression in any normal way can now buy their way in.

Heck, likely will happen with “Team 2” raid groups because team 1 wants to push progression without all the farming ; now they can just buy it.

There are so many bad outcomes to this that it’s actually enough to drive a guy to private servers where you know they’re corrupt before you arrive.


Yeah i dont think this is true.

Unless theyve made changes to the system the only way itll sell is if a player purchases them. So if 99 tokens are up for auction and you put yours on there those 99 have to sell before yours will.

gold isn’t injected, stop spreading misinformation

you buy at market value, when the token eventually sells the game just deletes the sellers gold.

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False, but thanks for identifying yourself as a pizzagate truther or whatever.

The tokens do add gold to the economy, but it’s a result of how they work and not directly so. You don’t sell the token and suddenly there’s extra gold in the economy, that’s not how they work.

What actually happens is players put their token up listed at a price that it is ‘guaranteed’ to sell at. So say you have three players put their tokens up for 100g. They are guaranteed to receive 100g for their tokens, regardless of how much the purchaser pays for it. And while everyone listing their tokens for a flat 100g would never actually cause more gold to be inserted, that’s not how the token works in reality. There’s a reason the price fluctuates.

But the way the price fluctuates, and how it would ultimately happen, is that the price would go up constantly. So say those three players all list their tokens at 100g again. But then we have a fourth player who has his token listed at 95g instead. (note this is an example, not 100% reality)

Well when players go to buy the token it will be listed at 95g and if several players buy the token at the same time, it will sell the token to them all for 95g.

So do the first three players get ripped off and only get 95g? No. They receive the guaranteed 100g amount. That is 15g that is suddenly inserted into the economy as a result.

And as the price of the token increases, these instances will only continue to occur more often.

Sources: < This tells more about the token and how the gold is guaranteed.

What happens if the price quoted to me is different from what the Token actually sells for? A: You will always receive the gold amount quoted to you at the time you place a Token up for sale, regardless of what the current price is when the item actually sells.

So yeah. It has the possibility to generate gold. The reverse is true, but unlikely when the price is going up.


I wish more people understood this.

If someone doesn’t buy the token, Blizzard does.

Thus the reason why they don’t put the buyers name on the auction (which is unlike every other auction in game).


It does though.

It creates a growing liability for Blizzard. They have to wait until actual purchases catch up to the actual sales. Who knows how big that liability is?

Considering they’re the central banking/currency issuer, they create wealth. And considering its all virtual, its only derived value is from the market, no actual physical backing.

Also, that liability is always moving as the sales are always guaranteed. Those purchases however, aren’t.


And your internal source is? Link you token purchase data - both from blizz and ingame? Tinfoil hate guess?

You do realise that way back when tokens were first introduced - the ah ran out and none could be purchased do to initial limits? Thats right - players had more gold to spend on tokens than people could but them from the store - and this was just when they could only be used for gametine not bnet balance

True. There was also a time when the coins were selling for like 300k gold a pop and the AH was flooded with them.

But every coin purchased sold in 24hours for a super inflated price. And no, people weren’t buying them as they were 3x the normal amount. Unless they just didn’t understand market trends in which case I pity them.

When the market is a buyers market, the coins work well. Only thing is Blizzard has to guarantee a sale for the sellers market, which creates problems.

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If tokens are anything like retail that isnt how it works at all… Tokens only give the gold once its sold to another player buying it…I dont know where you got that information from but on retail its pretty easy to sell it since alot of people including myself have alot of gold and buy tokens since it saves me $20 a month on playing this game LOL…

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Not how it works. They sell the coin and backfill the amount spent to fulfill the order. They probably have a huge growing liability for gold owed versus gold created.


weird just purchased token and tested…waiting for it to sell i guess…???

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You are so lost I’m not going to try.

Refer to the post below this one.

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That because Blizzard adds that gold.

We had numerous debates on this topics in General, where people would try to say it’s just supply/demand but it’s not.

There are two different transactions occurring when you buy a token.

  1. You buy it from the shop and pay your money.

  2. The second transaction is them putting the money into the game when your token sells. Notice that the seller of the token and the buyer are never connected in the AH.

This is why it’s all fiction. Blizzard controls the token price, and the currency for it.

I mean, that’s great, but that isn’t supply/demand.


What happens is the Steamwheedle Cartel ends up buying them with the money they receive from all those suckers buying their garbage.

waiting on token to sell it took a few minutes…if that is true is there a blue post to confirm this?